Ch 1

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It's night time when i arive. All the street lights are on brighting the streets as I'm walking down the street dressed in a black tank top with a lether jacket, cut off pink and black paint shorts, ankle boots, my hair light brown and perfactly curled witha crystal shaped Lapis Lazuli necklace and a bag filled with some clothes. 

My grandma said right before she died to find someone named Niklaus Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson. I turn around when i feel eyes one me. This group of men are staring at me with confused faces. I  quickly turn back around and keep walking down Bourbon street. I look up and there were people on the roof one jumped off  i gasped and he landed on a car and jumped off the car with not a scratch. I heard footsteps behind me and i noticed that the group of men has formed a half circle around me.

"WELL WELL WELL what do we have here" said a man with a brown shirt on and jeans. "Hello, sweetheart, how are you?" he said with a smirk. I noticed that everyone has circled around us, but two men watching over a baclney one dressed in normal clothes and one in a suit. I looked back to the man and said "Busy, thanks for asking." "oh attude i like it, what are you doing here" "well if you must know i am looking for someone" i say crossing my arms."Well maybe i can help, who are you looking for?" "Oh and how could you help." "Wow you don't know what we are do you?" this sparked my intrest. "That depends on what you are" "WE ARE VAMpires sweetheart, and i run this town so if your looking for someone i will know where they are." I sigh "I'm looking for Niklaus Mikaelson and Elijah Mikaelson" he looked worried for some reason. "might i ask why" "My grandma was a vary powerful witch and right before she died she told me that a man named Elijah was the knower, and Niklaus was the protecter" "for what" "now i think thats my business" i say rasing my eyebrows at him.

"Now i think when need to learn a lession scence you just found out what we are you don't know what we are capable of- i cut him off "Now i just got here so you don't know what i'm capable of" i say tossing down my bag. "Well you should know that klaus is not a vary nice person or protective espehly to strangers" "well i think he will be intresed in what i can do" "Ok lets see what you can do, lets have a fight" 

"Fine, but if i win you take me to Niklaus and Elijah"


"If i win you come with me and tell me everything."


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