Chapter 16

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(Tyler's POV)

It's been a month now since I have been out of the hospital. I've lived with lassie for a while now, I've been doing well..

I sat on the couch it's 3' am and lassie is a sleep upstairs. It was dark in the room, peacefully.. Some. I've been keeping my urges an self harm away from lassie.

I've been slowly not taking my medications. I don't really need them...

(Lassie's POV)

I woke up to Shawn not being beside me. "Shawn?" I said still half a sleep. I got out of bed and wondered my way down stairs. I turned on the light and he was sitting on the couch.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked going to sit by him. "I couldn't sleep, didn't want to wake you" he smiled at me I could tell it was a forced smile. "Come back to bed?" He grabbed my hand and we went back to bed.

The next morning Shawn was still a sleep, I got ready for work. Checking his medication and counting them he hasn't taken them in 2 days. I looked over at Shawn who shifted in the bed. Putting his medication back. I wrote him a note.

"Babe, please take them today, I love you and losing you would hurt." I sat it on the sink and left for work.

(Tyler's POV)

I woke up to my cell phone ringing. It was my doctor, "hello?" I said

"Hello, Tyler, we need you to come in for a appointment check up" I let a sigh out "okay, time?" I got out of bed. "3:00" "thanks" and we said our good byes and hung up. It was 2:00 so it was time to get ready.

I went and used the rest room, finishing I saw a note on the counter, it was from lassie. "Okay" I whispered and I did as recommended.

I ate food and got ready, I asked Gus to pick me up and take me and he wanted to stay so I let him.

"Hello Tyler how are you feeling?" My doctor asked as I walked into the room with Gus. "Better" I said with a smile.

"Have you been taking your medication?" He asked "yes""have you been experiencing any with drawls?" He asked and I knew what he meant. "No" I was hesitant to say it, Gus didn't catch on but my doctor did.

He wrote it down I know he did, "I'll be proscribing you stronger medication" Gus looked at me and than him. "Okay" I whispered.

Gus took me to the station, slowly walking up the steps I felt nauseous. "Gus" I said bending over almost puking. Gus took me to the trash-can, I puked 3 times.

I sat down, "I'll go get some water and lassie" Gus said I nodded and sat there.

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