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Today is the day me and Bianca sign up for our dream jobs

First we're gonna get a tour of UCLA. Then we're gonna put in my students loans and there gonna review my grades. The only thing I have to pass is gymnastics try out. It's basically when they see if I have what there looking for and I should get a letter back in 10 days finding out if I got in. Then me and Bianca are gonna sign Bianca up for the Air Force

As me and Bianca drive to the college. We see so many students. They greet us with kindness. As we get a tour of the college. I see JC

Me{ Jc what are you doing here!

Jc{ I go here for performing arts, I wanna be a actor

Me{ omg I didnt know why haven't you told me

Jc{ because I didn't want you to think I was weird

Me{ no that's not weird at all. I find it adorable

Jc smiles and blushes

Me{ well I'll text you late I have to finish this tour

So as they show us around the college I come across the gym we're the gymnast train. I just couldn't help but admire there technique. It was amazing and I could just see myself being with them.

So after they gave us the tour I out in my application And they reviewed my grades so now I have to wait 10 days to know if I got in

Then we drove Bianca to the U.S army to sign her up.

After a long day. We came home and fell asleep. But as I layed in bed I just couldn't stop thinking about all these boys. I think I have a crush on Ethan, Kian and jc . But I don't know who I want because they all are nice and I'm not a hoe

Kian and jc or the Dolan twins Where stories live. Discover now