•Chapter Two•

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The sound of the house phone being slammed back into its place on the wall created a loud noise that was emphasised by the yell that came out of Joyce's mouth. She had attempted to call Jonathan's father but his girlfriend had picked up instead and wouldn't let Joyce speak to him. Joyce gave a deep sigh and rubbed her tired dark eyes. 

The low rumbling of an engine caused Jonathan and Sloane to look up from their position on the couch.

"Mom?" Jonathan called out.

"What?" Joyce asked in an annoyed tone, her hand coming to rest at her side.

Jonathan stood from the couch to get a better view out the front window.

"Cops." He told his mother.

In a flash, Joyce had rushed out the front door with Sloane and Jonathan hot on her heels. They came to a quick halt on the front porch and Sloane almost bashed into Jonathan. Sloane moved to the side so she could see past Jonathan's tall frame.

Chief Hopper's car was parked in the driveway, and a deputy car was rolling up the driveway to park next to it. Hopper came into view after slamming his car's trunk. He was carrying a silver bike that was unmistakably Will's and a flutter of hope erupted in Sloane's chest. The hope quickly disintegrated when she saw the look on Hopper's face. His face was flushed with sympathy.

"Can we come in?" He asked. Joyce agreed, fiddling with her fingers.

"You found his bike? Where was it?" Sloane asked, as the group entered Joyce's home.

"It was in the woods." Hopper replied to the teen girl as she closed the front door.

"It was just lying there?" Joyce asked in a mixture of disbelief and worry.

"Yeah." The Chief told her, before gesturing for one of his deputies. "Cal?"

"Did it have any blood on it or-" Hopper cut off Joyce's rambling.

"No, no, no, no, no." Hopper gestured for his second deputy, "Phil?"

The Chief started to walk slowly around the house, scanning everything. Sloane and the Byers' followed behind him.

"If you found the bike out there," Jonathan spoke up, "Why are you here?"

"Well he had a key to the house, right?" Hopper asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah." Jonathan clarified.

"So, maybe he came home." Hopper told them.

"Wh-wh-y-you think I didn't check my own house?" Joyce stammered angrily.

"I'm not saying that." Hopper told her calmly.

He stopped in front of a wall that was connected, by the corner, to the back door.

"Has this always been here?" He asked tracing his fingers over a small chip in the wall.

"What?" Joyce asked before seeing what he was gesturing to, "I don't know. Probably. I mean I have two boys. Look at this place!"

Hopper opened the back door and the handle aligned perfectly with the hole in the wall. "You're not sure?" Hopper asked. Sloane bit her lip as she stared at the dent. She didn't remember ever seeing it beforehand, and knew that to make a mark like that, the back door would've had to be slammed open violently, perhaps in a fit of rage. Or fear. Sloane thought to herself, goosebumps forming on the surface of her skin.

Joyce gave a loud sigh and in the backyard the Byers' dog began to bark loudly. Hopper walked out the backdoor and Joyce followed. Sloane went to go after them but Jonathan grabbed her wrist.

Monstrum - Jonathan Byers (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora