Retelling- Flashbacks

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There's a figure in the mines, dark skinned- strange lines crossing over his face, black wings, a demon tail. He grins evilly when he faces off with Charm, who's hand is shaking with anger as she demands to know where her friend is.

"You bastard!" Paige hisses as she lies on the ground, staring up at Neer as she clutches her leg in pain.

"Tut tut sweetie." He says mockingly, throwing the golem heart up in the air before catching it, a manic grin on his face as he watches the fire.

"Make sure you take care of her, ok?" Neer barely moves his lips as he faces towards the ship- a half masked man facing the other way, towards the town on the floating island.

"I shouldn't seeing as she's your sister. But I will." He breathes back and Neer twitches a smile before walking off, shouting an order.

"Pack up, we're leaving."


"Do you want to know why I chose this place?" Neer talks to a strange woman. Pale, a purple cloak, limp, brown hair and two large angel wings, purple hue in colour- as well as two fur ears that border the same hue.

The woman waves her hand dismissively, blue eyes studying him.

"What happened to Atlava?" She speaks quietly, but not in fear of the man- like many seemed to do.

"She's taking a break." The man says smoothly but the woman's lips twitch into a smile that's almost knowing.

"She never liked being Captain anyway."

"Now, do you trust me Regina?" Neers tone grows serious as he stares the woman down, but she simply smiles.

"Do I have a reason not too?"

Paige wondered when it would end- the heat was unbearable, sweltering, melting.

"I think we're lost." 

A figure, green scaled in skin, the saviour. Neernen, a lizard mercenary.

A small hut in the desert, occupied by another lizard folk but blue in colour.

A deal, an escort for a while, until they found their way. A smile is exchanged.


They go to a man, slightly potty, a word is exchanged. A plan made for invasion of a strange temple tomorrow.

For now, they sleep.


They face the purple woman, Regina. In one hand is a tablet with runes glowing a dull red hue- casting her face into the same light with makes her smile even more menacing.

"My names Regina." She says lazily, directing it towards the group that are sopping wet.

"Now, Neer asked me to retrieve this tablet- I intend to do so."

Charm lashes out at the name, going directly for the angel hybrid as she realises the woman's alliance lies with the man who took everything from her.

A fight, paid mercs of the woman fighting strongly- but once she realises she's out numbered, she flees with terror, dropping the tablet as she runs.

Charm tries to chase her, but a gentle hand on her arm and an equally gentle look tells her that it won't be any use.


"YOU FAILED ME!" Neer thunders, a new hatred being directed towards the woman- which makes her flinch.

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