Bruce : How You Meet

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Today is my first day as the new nurse for the avengers, Tony and Pietro have just met me and are constantly flirting, I can almost smell the testosterone.
I mentally rolled my eyes, listening to the pick up lines and bickering from the two.
It was funny, WAS, now it's annoying.

"Hey baby, are you chicken? Cause you're finger lickin' good." Tony smirked.
"That was pretty good. However I can top it off." Pietro laughed.
"Go on then rev head."
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can totally see myself in those jeans."
I stopped walking and turned to face the two.
I grabbed my wallet from my bag and took out $20, shoving it to Pietro.
"I got the jeans from target, they probably have your size. Both of you cut the shit. It was cute and funny in the beginning but now it's annoying and pathetic, if you'd please take me to meet the others now that'd be great."
They stopped smiling and nodded, taking me to meet the others.
"Hey everyone, this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She is the new nurse."

A woman with short read hair walked over to me and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Natasha. You will most likely see that idiot a lot." She said pointing to a guy that was sitting down with spiky brown hair.
"Hey!" He whined.
"That's Clint." She whispered.
"I apologise if my brother had annoyed you before handing Wanda."
A blonde man had walked in with another man sporting a metal arm.
"Hello Ma'am, I'm Steve and this here is my Pal Bucky."
There was a crash coming from the kitchen.
"CLINT!" Boomed a voice.
I looked over to where Clint once was to only see him no longer there, but behind me.

A man stormed out with shoulder length blonde hair.
"Thor! Whatever I did it wasn't me!"
"The pop tarts are gone!"
"Ok that was me. But! I'll go get more?"
Thor nodded before looking at me.
"I'm sorry, but I am Thor of Asgard."
"I'm (Y/N) of (Y/H/T)."
We were all sitting down just talking about anything and everything when a door opened.
"Tony. I've found more of the-"
I looked over and saw the most gorgeous man.
"Ahh Bruce, nice to see you've made an appearance. This is (Y/N). Your co worker and the new nurse."
"Nice to finally meet you Dr. Banner."
"Nice to met you too." We stared at each other until tony cleared his throat.
"So Bruce what is it you were saying?" Tony asked as they walked away.

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