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So dinner was amazing!!!! I ordered a steak as Ryan did also haha. We talked about the race and how I enjoyed the race. After we finished our food we ordered dessert and Ryan paid the bill. As we were walking back to Ryan's Ford truck he said " I had a really great time tonight." "Me too" I replied. He opened up the passenger door and let me inside. "So where too he asked?" He asked. "We could go to that park we passed on the way here." "Ok" I laughed

15 minutes later...

We pulled into the park and Ryan shut off the engine. We both got out and walked to the play ground. "Gosh... I haven't been to one of these in a long time" I thought to myself. We went down the slide, across the monkey bars, and swung for about 10 minutes. When we were finally getting tired we went and sat down on a bench. The bench looked over the entire city from the top of the hill. And there was a full moon shining so bright that everything glistened. It looked just like a scene from a movie. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked Ryan while staring into the far. He grabbed one of my hands and looked over at me "not as beautiful as you". I was shocked at the words that I couldn't speak. When I looked back over I saw him leaning in. My first instinct was to push him away but I decided not to since I wanted to know where this was going. When his lips were only inches away from mine I figured what the heck and decided to lean in. When our lips touched it felt like fire works. Not like the ones that local parks set off on the 4th... I'm talking about New York City on the 4th. When we finally stopped to catch our breath we both sat back and looked up at the sky. Right then a shooting star went by. "Make a wish" I told Ryan.
He waited a few seconds and put his arm around me. "I hope that tonight could last for forever". And smiled a laid my head on his shoulder as we stared at the stars and enjoyed the summer night.


Hey guys!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed ☺️
Oh and by the way!!!!!!
I'm needing a few more characters so that would be appreciated :)


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