Why I like Simon Seville

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Question by smart-simon (Sorry for being super late!😅 Also, I really like this question)
Alright people, LISTEN UP!!
Or just keep reading hehe😅
So I happen to write (or talk) about Simon Seville often. Like literally, he's my background picture on my wattpad profile and the topic of the 2 books I'm writing right now. I thinks it pretty easy to tell that I'm a fan of Simon Seville. But what people don't know is...
Well I'll tell you why! As soon as I figure out how to start on the many reasons hehe...
So let's start with...
1. Simon is a nerdy, adorkable, and smart chipmunk. I mean, I can actually relate to his problems of being the smart child. When he always gets bothered for help because he should know the answer or when he bothers other because he is too smart. I can relate bro. ***Notice: In no way, shape, or form am I implying that I am a genius or better than anyone because I'm not, please don't be offended.
But! There's also the perks of being the smart one, like when he proves people wrong like a boss!!😎 ***again not saying any of this to be offensive! Or like when he makes his awesome inventions or smart remarks, like bro, how is Simon not awesome??
2. Simon is nice and he cares. He always cares for his younger, gullible brother Theodore and helps him when he feels that he's been taken advantage of. True, at times it doesn't seem like he cares but Simon does indeed care for Alvin as well! He always protects and cares for both of his brothers. He loves his brothers and uses his smarts to keep them all safe and out of trouble (as much as he can if Alvin is forcing him otherwise😂). He cares for the Chippettes too.
3. Simon is funny too... at least I think so 😅😂. I think his reactions to everything and his smart remarks are hilarious! Like how he's always nervous or other times with his sarcastic comments, haha! Anyone else? Just me? No one?.... oh.... hehe... moving on!
4. Simon has good morals. I think that's something important, yet most characters on TV are kind of losing but it's always great to see how Simon separates what's wrong and what's right and always tells his brothers to do the right thing.
5. Simonette. Hands down. 'nough said. It's so adorable and cute. I mean who could resist those two nerds! Like seriously?! *Cough cough Simonette confirmed in the episode "Secret Admirer"*
6. Simon's signature color is blue. This isn't a huge reason but I definitely like his color most out of the chipmunks because it's such a calm and nice color unlike Alvin with red that's very bright and causes much attention (I still like Alvin though!😃) And green which isn't as appealing (I still like Theo too!). So yeah, I think blue is a good color.
7. Another small reason, he has glasses to match his personality. Once again, there's not much explanation to this, I just love how his glasses and his outfit bring out his his personality. (His glasses bring out his eyes too💙😂)
8. Also! I really like his outfit and his hair. Their like my ideal kinda hair and outfit that I like. I like how his hair is a nice dark brown and just the style of his hair too. *gorgeous* and his outfit is more my style too. I like the long sleeve sweater and the dark jeans. Sounds like something I'd wear😂.
9. His height also, how he's taller than all the chipmunks, I feel like it really suits his character and sort of personality as well, being the one that sees the consequences and outcomes the most, being the smartest of the group.
10. Last but not least, Alvin and the Chipmunks is something my dad used to watch and although this doesn't relate too much on how Simon's my favorite, I do enjoy watching the new version of something my dad had watched the old version of.
So THAT was my VERY long list of 10 Reasons I like Simon Seville! There are more that I forgot to write up here but I also I kinda just wanted to limit it to a perfect amount of 10. Well I just spent forever writing this😅. Hope you enjoyed!
Quick Bonus Reason:
I like the name Simon.
P.S. that reason might also be because I like the character, therefore I like the name hehe...😅

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