Part 3: A Twist in My Tale

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The next day I began my training, which I continue to get go through the next three months before my birthday. I learned the basics of magic: defense spells, concentration, history of elves, natures science, and we briefly went over how to remove binding cursors or block unwanted mind readers. I also was put through basic sword fighting which included balance and speed courses. Zhara tried to hide her emotions, but from time to time she looked afraid. After a month of training I attempted to ask her, but she would cut me off.

I began seeing less and less of Nyar, only glimpses of him in the halls. In this same way he seemed to slide out of my mind, as Maureve took up more space. You can make me laugh, and those brilliant teal eyes may be swoon. He didn't seem to notice my interest in him though, which I wondered if it would be better if he knew.

Three months go fast when you're anticipating a big birthday Ball. Before I knew it, it was the day before.

That very morning I got up early to go to my courses. I finished before dinner, giving me an hour to search the shelves. The library was so big, I just enjoyed reading the titles, and once in a while I would take a book off the shelf. I gently slid my fingers across the books as I read titles when I ran into someone. I turned to see Nyar, who had dropped his book. We both reached down for it, bumping heads. This gift is book feeling very foolish.

"Sorry," he said.

I shook my head, "I'm the one who needs to watch where I'm going."

"No, I'm the one to blame, I was taking up the whole isle!" He said, raising his voice from a whisper.

I carefully put a finger to his lips. "I know you're trying to be a gentleman, taking the blame, but I am fine. There is no need to apologize," I whispered.

He smiled once I removed my finger. "I think I must miss arguing with you for arguing over such foolish matters," he said, chuckling. I blushed. "I'm sorry but I've lost track of the hour, I must go," he called.

I watched him disappear around the shelf, but wanted to smack myself on the head what was I thinking? What a fool I have been. I had spent three months removing him from my memory, and now I have that all come back. I was ready to move away from my human life and take the elv crown. Ivellena could take the Lyonaire crown. Zhara could make me immortal like an elv. I hurried down the stairs to the banquet hall, hunger finally tugging at my stomach. I entered, wonderful aromas drifting into the hall outside the doors. I swept the room for Nyar. I didn't see him so I looked harder. Giving up, instead I sat by Maureve. He stiffened and gave me a faint smile.

"Tonight we began to celebrate my granddaughter's fifteenth birthday. Tomorrow, she enters the world find a match, and after a year of being engaged we will hold the biggest ceremony in a long time. Let the feast begin!" Zhara called out over the now silent people.

Food appeared on the tables and merry laughter filled the hall again. Drinks were served, and multiple tables toasted my rule. I blushed as I watched them down there ale and raise their glasses for more. I reached for my glasses honeyed goat milk to hide my embarrassment. The courses came and went, and I became full quickly. Roasts, stir-fries, biscuits, fruit salad, stews, and multiple soups and breads filled everyone's stomachs.

Just before the dessert puddings came, Maureve grabbed my arm. "Come with me!" he whispered harshly. I followed for something was wrong. To emotions filled Maureve’s eyes. Sadness, and excitement. How they accomplish that, I did not know, but something was wrong. Just as he dragged me out of the hall, I turned and saw Nyar. His hand hovered in the air over a spoon he dropped in his pudding. But the clink of it hitting the glass bowl rang in my ears as Maureve and I ran through the corridors. We raced down a very long flight of stairs, stopping halfway at a wooden door. It screeched as it opened, sending chills down my spine. The air became heavy and moist, and I almost asked if we were going to the dungeon when my question was answered. After walking through the tarnished silver gate, I saw the carved stone, incense candles burn down to stubs, and dried-up flowers. I ran up three stairs to an elevated, carved stone coffin. Worst of all, the name on the coffin was clearly carved. I had been led to the crypt, and my mother's grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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