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"Oh no you don't," he muttered when he noticed the saucer-shaped warship break off from the pack. He quickly reset the controls to follow the lone ship as he wondered while anyone would leave a battle that they were currently winning. He was supposed to be observing and recording enemy tactics, but the battle was going so badly that the bulk of his people had retreated and he was left open for a covert operation. He set his craft for silent running and followed the warship at a safe distance. The enemy was superior in all forms of battle tactics and weaponry, but his people excelled in science and technology, making this an interesting war, indeed.

What are you doing? He thought to himself as the warship approached the great barrier. You can't pierce the barrier... No one can. His instruments began showing temporal displacement radiating from the enemy ship. What the hell? You fools; that's been tried before and it won't work! He adjusted the controls to mimic everything that the ship he pursued did. Suddenly, a portal into the time vortex opened directly in front of the fleeing craft. Alarms and lights began sounding and flashing furiously across his flight console. He desperately tried to break off his pursuit, but his tiny ship was caught in the overwhelming temporal wake of the massive warship. Every scope flashed red as the speeding warship hit the barrier while simultaneously attempting to shift backwards in time. His own controls were locked to follow them, and he could only close his eyes and accept his impending doom.

The light was blinding as he opened his eyes. As his senses slowly returned to him, he began to realize he was lying in a grassy field staring up at an unfamiliar sun. Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere, 73°, 12% relative humidity, he thought to himself as his mind raced. "Where the hell am I?" He sat up, with great effort, and continued to survey his surroundings. It appeared to be a grassy field, approximately 6.5 acres, completely surrounded by woodlands. He noticed that all of the grass around him was pushed down by an unseen force, apparently emanating from him. He looked at his hands, which proved to be utterly unfamiliar. Great; I've regenerated.

He stood and noticed a trail through the waist high grass. He followed it to a large oak tree where the trail abruptly ended. He reached into his burgundy robe and retrieved his key, and upon holding it out a door materialized in the wooden trunk. He then entered the octagonal control room, and upon first glance he realized it had changed as well. "There, there, baby; you'll be okay in a little while," he said while patting the six-sided console. Any massive catastrophe that didn't destroy it caused a TARDIS to go through its own regeneration of sorts, and his Type 80 seemed to be in the midst of that process. Since he knew this could take hours, if not longer, he decided to see what he could learn about his current situation and the planet he was temporarily stranded on. "Tiva, are you online?"

There were several second of silence as the TARDIS Interactive Voice Actuator rebooted. "Yes, Professor; how may I assist you?" The synthesized feminine voice asked pleasantly.

"Status report, please?" He asked.

"Certainly, Professor. Power reserves are at 42% and rising. Access to the time vortex is offline. 83% of interior is unavailable for access due to restructuring. Complete restructure is estimated at 73.5 hours."

"Thank you, Tiva. Do you have any information about where or when we are?"

"We are on Earth, a type-3 planet in the galaxy listed as JF-22578. Populated by humans currently in their pre-space faring, industrial age. Their local time lists the date as 16 May, 2015."

He subconsciously tapped his fingers on the console as he considered the ramifications. He had traveled over 2500 years backwards from the Time War, which by all rights he shouldn't have been able to escape from in the first place. There was no physical possibility that he should even be alive. "How did we escape the Time War?" He muttered to himself rhetorically. He stared at the only operational monitor for a few moments before turning and heading toward the wardrobe room.

Time Warp: A Doctor Who AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang