Chapter v

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"Kelli? Hello?"

She awoke with a start to Thomas standing over her. She shaded her eyes from the morning sun that was coming through his open blinds. "What time...?" She asked.

"It's 9:15. You were crashed when I got back from the cafeteria yesterday evening, so I let you sleep. I was just about to head to class. I have some OJ in my mini-fridge if you want any," Thomas replied.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Thanks, Tommy."

"I... I read your note."

She launched off of the couch in a rage. "Damn it Tommy, you had no right!"

Thomas found himself less intimidated than he used to be. "It's okay, Kelli; I understand. I won't turn you in or anything. I've had a couple of days to think about how much I've hurt you. We are friends, and as a friend I should support your decision. I was jealous, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me?"

Her rage instantly melts into compassion, and she hugs him. The pair shares a few tears before she finally pulls away. "Tommy, I need to get to the ridge overlooking the crater. Can you help me?" She sniffs, while wiping her eyes.

"I won't drive you there or anything, but when you're ready to go I'll call Colonel Welling and see if I can draw him away from the crater. Maybe then you'll have better luck trying to sneak on to the site."

She leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. "Thanks, Tommy."

"But you'd better come back to visit and bring me an uber-cool souvenir."

"Will-do, dude!" She said, laughing and crying at the same time. He smiles back as he turns and heads for class.

Kelli pulls the shades closed and opens Thomas's tiny closet. His wardrobe primarily consisted of tan and dark slacks, pastel button-ups, and various ties. After some searching, she locates a blue State Tech hoodie, some worn out sneakers, and a pair or cargo shorts with the tags still attached. Kelli couldn't help but laugh at herself, as she was still in the burgundy leather pants and jacket from her trip to the Dalek ship. She removes her pants and puts on the new cargo pants, and then puts the leather pants on over them. She puts she hoodie on over her black t-shirt, hides the shoes under the front of the hoodie, and puts the long jacket on over everything; taking care that the hood is covered. She then stuffs some old newspapers and magazines into one of Thomas' back-packs and then heads toward the Science Center.

Kelli takes the longest, yet most visible route from Thomas's dorm to the Science Center; as she knows she is being watched. She slips into class, and hovers near the door until the students begin filing out after it ends. She mingles with the various students, avoiding all conversation until she reaches the restroom. Inside, she enters a stall and removes the leather pants and jacket, and her own combat boots that she had been wearing. She un-did her pig-tails, and pulled her hair back into a bun, then she left the stall and washed off what was left of her lipstick and eyeliner. She viewed herself in the mirror; tan cargo shorts, oversized but believable sneakers, and a blue school hoodie. She stuffed everything else in the trash, pulled the hood up, and headed toward the Science Center's rear entrance. She waited by the door, and left the building with a small group of students, then headed toward the drama department.

Once in the drama building, she sought out the wardrobe and makeup room. Inside there were two male students who were arranging the various costumes.

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