Watch out, he bites.

559 29 14

POV: Reader

I lay there, silent, hurting, chilled to the bone on a mound of solid earth. The ground was cold and damp. The ache of my fall never dulled and my vision swam. Tears streaked my cheeks in harmony with the throbbing of my skull. Shallow breaths grew slower the longer I remained, but I had little strength, all of which was needed to merely keep concious. It was growing steadily darker as the ecoflowers fell asleep one by one. I watched the shadows of nearby stones shift with every extinguished light.

Aside from a shrill ringing in my ears, I could hear the lapping of water against the path, and crickets chirping to an unwritten rhythm. It was too hard to keep my eyes open even a moment longer. Im just resting. I lied to myself. It felt good to give into the darkness, it who promised release from a hurt I couldnt remember getting.

I havent the faintest idea on how I came to be in this predicament, or where I was. My eyes flickered open just a tad. There were no stars. Glow worms littered the ceiling far above my head. How curious.

I tried very hard to remember. To remember anything at all, and yet, my memory was filled with only more darkness. How did I fall here? There is no hole above me...

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

Abandoning that train of thought, my gaze shifted slightly to the right. Footsteps. But whose? The grit of dirt scraped against my cheek painfully, but curiosity urged me on.

Before me stood what could only be explained as the living dead. A skeleton in a black, furred jacket and shorts watched me through the lights in his eyes. A wide, grin was filled with dagger-like fangs, all white, save a single golden tooth. He had stopped in front of me, watching in silence, looking as if he had just won the lottery.

*Well well well.* He spoke at last, in a voice much deeper than anticipated. It was an almost growl. *It must be my lucky day.* He shifted his weight to one side, and tilted his head to the other. I noticed that his mouth didnt move when talking. *Arent you a beauty, eh? I wonder what Pap with think.* At first, his tone was light hearted, but drastically changed to dangerous. *Youre not going to last ten minutes here*

Dread settled within my chest and my heart dropped. It was similar to the 'deer caught in headlights' look. His words were even nore chilling than the cold air. I couldn't help but fear the worst. He laughed. *I gotta say, Im loving that look on your face.* his light tone came back. *When will you humans learn to stay away?* He shook his head an sighed.

There was a pause in the one sided conversation, where he took a moment to examine my attire. I wore black leggings and a blue flannel shirt. My hair was tied in a messy bun, where many strands had fallen loose. *heh. Not much of a talker, are ya, doll?* More silence. he shook his head. *Maybe we can start with something easy, like... Your name?*

"My n-name?"


"I..." I thought for a second. What WAS my name? He was looking at me expectantly, while also tapping his foot with impatience. "I dont remember." I finished lamely.

*You dont... HA!* He snorted with laughter. *Thats funny, but come on, doll, we dont have all day.*

"Im serious " I said, frowning. "And dont laugh at me." my lips, out of habit, made a sort of half-pout.

*Well then.* Cough. *Why not pick a name you like?*

There was a name Im quite fond of, although I dont remember where I heard it. "(y/n). Call me (y/n)."

*Alright, (y/n), we have somewhere to be, so lets hurry this up.* He extended his hand to me, which I ignored.

"You said said I wouldnt last ten minute here-"

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