The thing about Red is...

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POV: Reader

I was given a new pair of clothes to change into. Apparently mine were too dirty and torn from my fall. Whomever these belonged to had a great sense of fashion. I slipped on a black thigh length skirt, with matching knee high socks. The gray sweater was a little tight, but it would keep me warm in the snow.

Red had fallen asleep on the couch mere minutes after Papyrus walked out the front door. I wasnt exactly sure what I was supposed to do, so I sat on the couch next to him. As I made myself comfortable, he let out a loud snore, and started drooling. It was rather unsettling to look at, considering his drool looked like a feint trail of glowing blood.

I turned my attention away from him, and flicked through the channels on the TV. Not much was on. However, I was vaguely interested in this romantic comedy I stumbled upon.

This girl was being chased by a demon who lived in the woods, but he fell in love with her. I almost cried when I thought she died, but her love for the demon kept her heart beating. And then, a grim reaper wanted to take the girl from the demon to be his bride, so he made a plan to steal her away. Thankfully it failed, and the demon got her back.

Can you imagine falling in love with a demon? Im sure i'd never be in a situation like that.

Red let out a huge yawn, his jaw going slack. He was obviously in deep sleep. This was the first time I'd seen his mouth open. His top row of fangs opened just enough to possibly  peer inside. Curiosity egged me on. What did the inside of a skeleton look like? I leaned a little closer. Just a peek. I swore to myself.

It was still a little difficult to see, and I dared to open his mouth a little more. But before I did, I gently nudged his shoulder to see if he woke easy. He doesnt. With a shaking hand, I put the tips of my fingers on his jaw, just under the fangs, and pulled down gently.

His mouth opened a little wider, and I caught a glimpse of red gel-like tongue. "Whoa..."  I thought in wonder. shit! I said that outloud! It was not in my head! Abort! Abort mission!

*Did ya find what you were lookin' for?* Red growled. The little lights came back to his eyes.

I swear I nearly pissed myself in fear. Thankfully I didnt, but I did fall backwards off the couch with a dull thud. Great. Im a snoop and a clutz.

Red closed his mouth with a slight snap. He watched me, amused at how easily I flustered. I turned fifty different shades of pink, and finally, a deep scarlet. "I- uh- I-I" stuttering like a brain dead zombie, I tried standing. As fate would have it, I fell on my butt while backing away. "Oof! Ow..."

Red's grin widened. *You're givin' me quite the view here, doll.* He did that thing again where he tilts his head to the side and grins.

Shame hit me like a truck, and I closed my legs as fast as I could. This is why I hate skirts. As if I couldnt get any redder, he swiped his tongue over the tops of his teeth. I think I invented a new shade. I call it: Im a fuck up. Now sold at your nearest dumpster, that way you know its a failure like me.

Red shook his head, laughing. I just sat there, hating my life and every decision i'd ever made. *Come on. Lets go cheer you up.* He reached out his hand to me, just like he did when we met. It felt like that hapened only a few hours ago. Oh wait. It did.

For a complete dick, he could be nice if he wanted to. Red opened the door for me. I smiled, taking two steps toward the door.

Then he tripped me and walked out ahead. *Close it behind you, doll.*

I take it back. He is worse than a dick. He is a cock licking slut burger. I huffed my annoyance, hoping he heard it, and closed the door behind me.

I had to do a little jog to catch up. He was faster than you might think. "So where are we going, Red?"

*Don't worry about it.* he shrugged. *Think of it as a surprise.*

I sighed. There was a large building up ahead that read:   Grillbys bar and grill

The smells coming from Grillbys was intoxicating. It was a warm, meaty scent, like steaks and fries.

I tugged on Red's shirt. "Hey, are we going there?" I sounded way too eager, like I hadn't eaten in days. Maybe I hadn't.  Who knows.

*Nah, doll. Every fanfic Sans takes the girl to grillbys, and I dont like clichés.*


*Nothin.* He pulled me past the bar and grill. *I know a much quieter spot. Less likely to getcha killed.*

That name again... Sans...

We past a large sign that read: Welcome to Snowdin

Just a few yards away was a small stand. *Walk behind it. Theres a shortcut*

I was skeptical, but did as he said. It suddenly got very hot. To my surprise, we were now at a hot dog stand. It was almost exactly the same as the other one, except we changed locations.

"D-Did we just teleport?!"

*I have no idea what you mean.*  Red started fiddling around behind the stand. I stood there in a shocked silence. He was so strange.

Two buns, dogs, and half a bottle of mustard later, Red finished making some questionable looking 'hotdogs'.

He waited for me to take a bite, which I managed to force myself to do. Pleased, he swallowed his whole thing in one go. I continued to nibble on mine, while he started drinking the remainder of the mustard. Im more of a ketchup kinda girl, but I didnt complain. I wanted to learn more about him, so he needed to be in the best mood possible.

"Hey, Red. I have a question."

He set the bottle down. *Sure, doll. Whats on your mind.*

I took a deep breath. "Who is Sans?" Red squinted his eyes, now on edge.

*what brings that up?* He was being cautious.

"Its just that I heard Papyrus call you that, and you mentioned it when we passed Grillbys." I rubbed my thumbs together in a nervous motion.

He took another swig of mustard before answering. *Pap and I... Know more than one Sans.* He started. *My name is Sans, but Im not the first. So they call me Red.*

"Do they live here?" I asked, thrilled he didnt shut me down.

*Not... Exactly. Look. Its hard to explain, and you wont live long enough to need the information.*

Oh yeah. I almost forgot I was living on borrowed time. Red planned on stealing my soul when Pap comes back...

"Why do you need my soul?"

Red looked at me without answering for a long while. There was a gleam of regret behind the mask of sarcasm.

*We need souls to escape this prison.*

"Youre... Prisoners?"

*Yeah, doll. This cave is a prison for our whole race, and only the collection of souls can break the barrier.* He was looking past me, staring at nothing. Deep in thought.

"How do you take a soul?"

He looked perplexed at my asking. As if I were crazy for wanting to know.  *Well, there are multiple ways. Through battle, sex, or being able to trust someone enough-*

He looked away. Something angry flashed within him. *You cant trust anyone in this timeline. They only end up stabbing you in the back, or dying.*

He pulled a yellow flower out of his jacket and twirled it in his fingers. He looked so sad. Did he lose someone he loved?

Red coughed, putting the flowe back in place. *We should head home. The echoflowers should be coming on soon. We dont wantcha to get eaten by things that go bump in the night.*

I noded, and he lead the way. We didnt take a shortcut this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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