Diagon Alley

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Lyla P.O.V

The rest of the holidays went like that and Wednesday finally dawned on us. I was the first awake this morning and decided that I needed a creative way to wake up Hermione so I crept out of the room and into the bathroom. Yes, showering someone with water wasn't creative but I was going to have a twist. It would be hot water instead, and it would smell like rose petals and perfume. I filled up the bucket and as I was coming back into the room like a sloth from the weight of the bucket Hermione began to stir. I quickly waddled over to her bed and just as she opened her eyes I tipped the bucket right over her.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRR" She screamed. I dropped the bucket on the floor as I rolled on the floor in fits of giggles. I was too busy laughing to realise her tipping the leftover contents and scraps from the bottom of the bucket on my head. A huge lump of rose petals and sparkles was now sitting on my head. Hermione and I were both laughing now. I felt like she got me back to fast and I need something that will actually get her really good. Lucky today was diagon alley day so I could get some pranking supplies.

Once we had our money and some extra food (Supplied by the grangers) we headed out the door to the closest bus stop which we were told had a bus that leaves for London at exactly 8:10. London wasn't that far away from the Grangers house so we would have no trouble getting there and finding the leaky cauldron. Just as we arrived, an old, dingy looking bus arrived. The man stopped and yelled "BUS TO LONDON". Oh God. We had to get on this stinky bus with people that looked like creeps and a lot of old ladies that smelt like cats.

"That'll be five pounds" The driver said in a bored tone. I could hear him muttering about noisy teenagers and I started to become infuriated, my vision went blurry and I had the urge to punch the old man. Hermione tugged my arm and led me away from the driver whilst trying to calm me down.

"You need to control your hair in public Lyla, that driver looked like he could have a heart attack" I blushed slightly and fell into a seat. A huge cloud of dust puffed up into the air and I started to choke. So here we were on this stinky old bus, surrounded by cat loving grandma's and creeps, coughing and choking on dust. The rest of the ride was like that and we finally made it to London. I ran off the bus and fresh air filled my lungs, I breathed in deeply and I could hear Hermione doing so next to me. The driver closed the door manually, muttering insults under his breath but I ignored them as I was still trying to breath normally again.

"That was, absolutely, terrible" I groaned. We stood up and ran into the leaky cauldron before sprinting through it and out to the back. The air was slightly fresher out here than it was in muggle london. I got out my wand and tapped the bricks on the wall, it opened up and introduced the huge world of diagon alley. I breathed in and felt the pleasure of being back in the magical world again. Hermione and I ran to gringotts to get out our money. This was the first time I was doing this without an adult and the goblins still scared me slightly. We went through the twist turning tunnels and by the end of it I felt sick. Hermione already had her money so I just had to get mine. When my vault was opened I heard Hermione gasp and I looked at the piles of money there was in there. I quickly swept lots into my bag and turned around for the journey back up. When we came out I looked around to see Harry and Hagrid coming out of a dingy alley, what was Harry doing in there I thought.

"HARRY" Hermione yelled through the crowds "HAGRID" At once the two turned and started to walk towards us. I went up and hugged Harry and Hermione did the same thing.

"Where's the Weasleys" Harry asked with a confused face.

"I thought you were with them" Hermione returned with a matching face. I thought he was supposed to be with them. Then I saw a harassed looking red head running through the crowds to try and get to Harry.

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