Patched up

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This is my first little story so enjoy and please leave comments:) Love Luna

Dean x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Dean comes back from a nasty hunt with a demon. You patch him up which leads to things getting intimate. Enjoy people! X)


"Damn Dean! What the hell happened?"

"Damn demon got the better half until Sam showed up."

"Talking of Sam, where is he?"

"Picking up some burgers for us, that alright?"

"Well it's been alright for the last 3 years so I see nothing different now."

Dean huffed out a little laugh before it turned to wincing a little because of the sharp pain in his side. Dean was covered in blood and dirt, all over his face and a scrape across his forehead. Half his t-shirt had been ripped and you could see the gash in his side easily, it was deep but fixable.

You grabbed Dean's hand and sat him on the edge of the bed in the motel and before he could ask what you were doing you said "well in the meantime we can get you fixed up." At first, Dean waved you off telling you he was fine, but he clearly wasn't.

You wiped the blood and dirt off his face, revealing the beautiful tanned skin of Dean Winchester, the man you love but can't have. You paused for a moment, just staring into his bright green orbs as you have never been this close to his face before.

You were just dabbing into his forehead softly with a wet cloth to remove the dried blood, but you couldn't help but stare. You must of stared for 5 minutes before Dean broke your train of thought by saying "what?" You quickly snapped back into reality and flushed up to the tip of your ears.

"Oh nothing" you say in an attempt to cover your embarrassment. You go to avert your eyes back on Dean's wounds but you catch him release a little lustful smirk to himself, sending a shiver down your spy.

Once you had finished clearing up his face, you decided his gash on his side needed attention. "Top off." Dean's eyes suddenly looked up from the floor and locked onto yours, giving you a surprised expression. "Wow y/n, ya'know if you want to just sleep with me, all you gotta do is ask sweetheart." Dean said winking at you.

You tried your hardest not to blush and the thought of you and Dean in bed, so instead you let out a playful smile and said "no I need to treat your wounds Winchester, plus there is no way you could get me in bed." You didn't mean to sound so cocky but it may have worked, Dean raised an eyebrow as if he saw it at a challenge. "Are you trying to challenge me y/n?"

"What no, I just want to stop you from bleeding on my bed bitch, so top off!" He let out a devilish smirk at your flustered face before pulling off his plaid shirt and then pulling off his black muscular t-shirt. God his body was beautiful, so perfect in every sense.

The way his abs worked together and his chest beating, his skin so tanned and you just want to feel everything. But instead, you bite your lip and get to work. As your cleaning Dean's wound, you can feel him watching your every move, you may have even stuck your ass out a bit.

Once his gash was cleaned out and patched up you smiled with pride as you did a pretty good job.
"There you go Winchester."

"So, are you the nurse now?"

"In your dreams sunshine."

"Yeah that's about correct."

You raised an eyebrow at his blunted confession, but couldn't help feel pride at the fact Dean was hitting on you more than usual and just admitted he dreams about you. You smiled at his comments before packing the first aid packet away and leaving the room to place it in the bathroom, swaying your hips a little too much that you should.

When you return back into the room, Dean is still sat in the same point just staring and watching you. Once again you blush, not really sure what to do especially as you notice that Dean still hasn't placed his top back on, you can't pull your eyes away.

"Like what you see sweetheart?" He said, biting his bottom lip and letting out a boyish smile. "Get over yourself Dean." You said jokingly, desperately trying to not push him back on the bed and have your way with him.

To distract you, you walk over to the table just about to go on the laptop when suddenly two hands grabbed your waist and flipped you round, back against the table and front pressed up against Dean. You moaned a little in surprise and the feel of Dean that close, hoping he hadn't heard but he had which only urged him on more.

He was staring into your eyes with the biggest grin on his face, you knew he was gonna say something cheeky but at the same time, he seemed speechless. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he leaned down.

Both of your eyes closed as your lips are millimetres away and just about to touch when suddenly the door swings open, causing both of you to startle and back off each other quickly. It was Sam with two plastic bags of take out food.

"Hey guys!" Sam said, not even realising that he may have interrupted something here. Dean threw his t-shirt on and let out a little sigh before giving you a look of apology and lust, but you shrugged it off and grabbed your cheeseburger.

You needed something to take the fact away that you were just about to make out with Dean. Once everyone had gotten their food, it was silent, awkward silent and you and Dean kept stealing glances.

Sam picked up on this and asked "did I interrupt something?"
You and Dean looked at each other for a brief moment before replying in unison "no, nothing at all." Both of you letting out a cheeky smirk as you knew full well you and Dean were so getting it on later.

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