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"WIIILL...WILLL, WHERE ARE YOU??!" Bill's voice cracked as he yelled out frantically for his brother "William Cipher, this isn't funny!! You need to come out here right now, or so help me I'll...I'll."
As he shrunk down to the floor, the demon changed from his well known triangle form to a human. He felt his legs and arms grow longer and thicker. His face though still sharp took on human features. He had gold and black hair growing out of his head and a tall black top hat that floated gracefully above him. His clothes reflected the pyramid pattern that he usually had and as little black bow tie finished his look. Bill didn't know what to do. He had lost his brother Will, his twin, his other half.

"Well this is a lovely sight. One of the most feared demons in the whole nightmare realm reduced to sobbing mess" Axolotl towered over Bill.
"I don't want to hear it Axolotl. Just leave me alone."
"You shouldn't talk to me in such a manner Bill. I control your life. I can drain your power within the snap of a finger." Bill felt a familiar pain in his stomach. Axolotl always liked to tease him like this. He would drain his power away slowly until Bill agreed to whatever he asked of.
"Aghhh!" He felt a sharp piercing pain in his head as he fell to his hands and knees. Bill tried to control himself but his power was no match to that of Axolotl's. The pain in his stomach grew worse. It felt as if he had swallowed fire.
"Do you like that Bill?" Axolotl said with a smile on his face. Bills head grew worse and worse until he couldn't t take it anymore.
"What do you want?!" He cried out. "I'll do anything. Anything you ask." Axolotl looked at him with interested eyes. "Anything I say?" Bill looked his torturer in the eye. "As long as no harm comes to my brother Will." Axolotl snapped his fingers and Bill's pain immediately subsided.

"Well now that you mention it there is something I need you to find." "What is it?" "Your brother."Bills heart dropped. "I seemed to have misplaced him in the real world and he has fallen under the control of the Gleeful twins." At that Bills heart then burned with anger and guilt. How could he have been so stupid to have lost Will in the first place?!And to lose him to the Gleeful twins. Is Will still even alive?

" I want my little demon back alive. Find him for me won't you my dear Bill?" Axolotl looked at Bill knowing he was too helpless and desperate to say no. Axolotl loved playing these mind games with his demons. He loved getting them so angry but having control over them so that all they could do was sit and wait for their anger to pass over. Bill thought over the deal he was about to make. On one hand lie would find his brother and on the other he had to encounter his most hated enemies. Then Bill had an idea.

" I'll do what you ask Axolotl, but under one condition." Axolotl looked at Bill quite surprised. Bill had never been one to make deals with him. "Continue" said Axolotl intrigued as to what would happen next. "If and when I find my brother and the Gleeful twins I'll bring all four of us back to you and then you can exchange Will and I for the Gleeful Twins. They are very strong and powerful magicians. I dare say even stronger than I. They will be a good asset to your team." Axolotl thought over this deal for a moment.

"I will think on this and decide when you get here." Bill stuck out his hand and looked his master in the eyes. "Deal?" "Deal" and like that he was gone. Traveling through dimensions to go and find the Gleeful twins and his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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