Summer All in a Day

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A/N: So, I wrote this two years ago, and I didn't even know that this existed. Please excuse the lack of details and such. The younger me was still learning her style of writing and how to convey her thoughts. I thought I would share this with you guys since I felt like the younger me, even though inexperienced, felt strongly about the warmth in her heart, and wanted to put that feeling into a story for everyone to read. 

"Are you ok Margot?" the girl asked.

"The sun, what happened to the sun?" Margot just asked, ignoring the girl's question.

"Too bad you couldn't see the sun, but it was our turn to play in the warmth of the sunlight because you already had your chance on earth. Now we're even." William said with a sly smile. Margot just stood there, not knowing what to say.

The girl who asked if Margot was ok spoke up and said, "I'm really sorry we did that to you. I never realized how wonderful the sun was and how much you wanted to see it. My name is Emily, let's be friends."

Margot and everyone else just looked at her, shocked and dumbfounded. A small, faint smile appeared on Margot's face. For the first time in her life, she had a friend. Although she finally she had a friend, she didn't understand why Emily wanted to be her friend so suddenly. Did she feel sympathetic towards her? Was she just trying to be nice? If she really wanted to be her friend then why did she help the others lock her up in a closet? After a while of questioning Emily's kindness in her mind, Margot decided to ask Emily all of this.

Emily replied, "I have wanted to be your friend for some time now. I just didn't know how to approach you. You were always so quiet. I know what it feels like to have no friends, so I thought we could be friends with each other. I didn't want to lock you in that closet, but they forced me to. I was planning on coming back for you, but as soon as I saw the sun come out, my mind went completely blank."

Hearing her words reassured Margot and she nodded her head in response. "I didn't get to see the sun, but at least I made a friend. Maybe now waiting for the sun to reappear won't be so long anymore." Margot said quietly to herself.

After becoming friends with Emily, Margot had more confidence in herself. She made a lot of new friends and she even became brave enough to face William. He stopped bullying her and Margot's life became a lot more peaceful. One day, Margot realized that she didn't need to feel the warmth of the sun on her cheeks everyday because the love of her friends already gave her plenty of warmth. But there will always be a special place in her heart just for the warmth of the sun that she will never forget.

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