Witch of the Dead

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Stefan’s POV

I just got back to the house after training with Elena. She’s going to ‘college’ today so Damon can teach her how to feed. I wish I could be the one to do it, but too much blood and well, we all know how that goes. Elena says that Caroline is too good at it. I thought about asking Ellie cause let’s face it, if she can get me out of my ripper stage she can teach a new vamp to feed. But then I realized it was too soon to be asking Ellie for help. Plus Elena didn’t know her so I don’t know how well that would work.

As it turns out, Connor isn’t dead. He’s somewhere out there. What with Klaus being there when Connor ‘exploded’ I had a pretty good idea of where that somewhere was.

I was in my thoughts about raiding Klaus’ mansion when Ellie came downstairs.

“Hey, where are you off too?” She asked me as she grabbed her bag.

“I have an errand to run. Turns out Connor isn’t dead and I have an idea of where he might be.” I told her. Maybe she could come with me.

“Are you doing anything?” I asked her. We need to take the first step into friendship, and what better way to bond than over a supposedly dead vampire hunter?

“Nope. I was going to see what you and Damon were doing and offer my help if needed.” She told me.

“Well Damon is taking Elena out to try and teach her how to feed. She’s been having problems with it.” I told her. Maybe she knew what was going on with Elena.

“What kind of problems?” She asked curiously.

“Well she can’t drink animal blood and she can’t drink from a blood bag, only from the vein. We think it could be her weird dopplegänger blood. Do you have any ideas?” Damon had filled her in on the whole Katherine-Elena thing so she knew what I was talking about when I said dopplegänger.

“Well first off, trying to get a new vamp on animal blood right out the gates, big no-no. Sure it’ll work for a while, but you can only repress the urge for human blood for so long. Once you can’t hold it anymore the flood gates open and it’s even harder to resist than when you first turn so get that idea out of your head.” She told me.

“I was just trying to help Elena. If she killed someone because of the bloodlust she would never be able to live with herself. I feel responsible that this happened to her anyway and I’m just trying to do everything I can to help her.” I told her.

“I know you are Stefan. But the best thing for her right now is human blood. It’ll curb the hunger and help her concentrate on what’s happening to her. Emotions and feelings are all over the place and constant hunger for human blood doesn’t help that. Now you said she can’t drink form a blood bag? Those should be okay for newbies.” She asked with a surprised look?

“Yeah, she can’t keep it down. Every time it doesn’t work. The only thing that works is straight from the vein.” I answered.

“That doesn’t make any sense. I’ve never seen a vampire that can’t at least drink from a bag. Of course it’s always better from the vein but human blood is human blood. There shouldn’t be any reason she can’t keep it down. Now I’ve never run across a dopplegänger before so that could be a factor.” She said. That’s what I thought. I had no idea why a blood bag wouldn’t work for her.

“Alright. Let’s just hope today with Damon goes better. So you want to join me in finding Connor?” I asked.

“Lead the way.” She said with a smile.

We made our way to Klaus’ house and snuck in. We were able to get to the main part of the house relatively easy. We walked into a room off the side and saw Connor chained up to some type of torture device.

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