Awkward Tuesday Health Day

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Everyone seemed tense during lunch. Some because of their test, some because of relationship problems, some because of the next and last lesson, P.E. Last lesson, yay. Grading, nay.

"Why do they even give grades in Gym, though? Like, everyone has their own standards to being fit," Marcel said. Only him, Lui and David were talking, everyone else was silent, digging into the wonderful healthy food that was Caesar's salad.

Not really that healthy, if you ask Jonathan. The sauce was pretty bad.

Jonathan took a look at Evan sitting opposite of him. Evan instantly noticed, looking up too.

"You ready?"

"...Yes. Are you?"

Jonathan nodded and everyone else at the table looked at them weirdly.

"Who says?" Jonathan bit his lip under his mask at the question. "You do it."

Evan sighed and turned to everyone else. " dad is leaving town and selling the house. But I'll be staying Delirious' new roommate, basically."

Everyone else stayed silent at first. "That's harsh," Tyler commented.

"At least you have Delirious to comfort you, then," David made a joke and Evan smiled. "He's so bad at taking care of himself, I don't think-"

"EY! I take care of myself very good, thank you!"

Almost everyone in the table wheezed at Jonathan's wording and Jonathan huffed, looking at Evan's bright smile towards him. He blushed and cursed himself for still being so flustered around the other.

They did the naughty, that was probably why he's even more on edge than usual lately.

Jonathan sighed, "I'm outie." He stood up and got his tray, walking away. He met up with Sean at the trash area.

"'Ey, Jon! You seem on edge," Sean commented.

"Aren't I always?" Jonathan smirked, throwing his bottle away and putting the tray on the stand. A lunch lady quickly picked it up and Jonathan nodded as a thank you for the meal.

Sean did the same and followed Jonathan. "What do you have?" Jonathan asked.

"Astronomy. You?"


"Ooo, good luck. Garrick seemed pretty pissed this morning when I had Physical Education."

"Aw, the last thing I wanted today," Jonathan smiled sadly as the two went their separate ways.

Jonathan let out a sigh as his smile or any happiness in his demeanour completely vanished. He walked to his locker to get his Gym stuff.

Evan seemed so anguished...and he knew he couldn't do anything to help him because he was right. He couldn't even take care of himself. It has been proved like, a million times already. He wanted to help him so bad, though. Maybe he should do something for him. Like bake something? Jonathan wasn't that terrible at cooking and he knew how to make the greatest smoothies, told countless times by his sister.

Jonathan cheered up, losing his locker. Alright, he'll organise a dinner date with Evan!




That's cheesy as fuck. Probably right up Evan's alley, Jonathan snickered to himself.


"Another note on grading in P.E: how the fuck does one even evaluate a grade to you...when you're playing fucking dodgeball?!" Marcel hissed on the bench. Scott snickered at him, "My guess is, the two left on each side get A-s and everyone else gets B-s."

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