Chapter 16-Eliot?

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"Young lady, where were you?"mom stepped in front of me "You promised that you won't be late any more!Excuses?Or apology?"

"To be honest: these are called secrets!"

"I don't care!"mom smiled sarcastically "You're grounded!"

"What?You can't just do that!"I was so angry "You can't ground me!"

I ran in my room...

"Crazy bitch..."I heard my mom's voice calling her daughter a bitch.

God, help this woman pls!

"I heard you, missy."I mumbled.

Yeah, I just talked to myself.
I got dressed, brushed my hair and did my makeup.It was 20 minutes.I hurried.
I ran to school.
It was cold AF!
And actually it rained.Yay.
As soon as I opened the door, the cold hit my body.I got up a jacket and then I went to school.
Chanel was in the hall.I think she was waiting for me.I thought so.
I quietly walked behind her and covered her eyes with my eyes.

"Eliot?"she smiled.

What the fuck????!!!

"Sorry?"I pretended like I didn't hear her.

"I mean Lydia?!"she grabbed my hands and got them off her eyes.

"Heyy gurl!"I hugged her.

"Hi!"she tightened the hug.

I couldn't breathe.

"Okayh,... Reh-lease meh... Ple- thank you."she ended up our hug.

I heard the first bell.

"Let's go to class!"I said.

"I have to go to the bathroom."she started to walk away.

"Comin'."I went after her.

"Just go to class, I'll be right back!"

I hided behind a locker.
Before she went into the bathroom, she looked around to make sure that nobody is watching her.Or me?
But suddenly she didnt go to the bathroom.
She went to the 10th graders' lockers. I followed her.I really felt like a ninja.
Okay, this might sounded like a little kid is talking.Hell no!A 15 year old girl is!
When I looked at the hall, I couldn't believe what I saw!
She was flirting with a boy.Bet his name is Eliot.Ugh...
Okay, this situation was better than seeing 'em making out or... GOING TO THE BATHROOM TOGETHER?
I have a wild fantasy...

I ran to class so she won't notice that I was stalking her.
Dave was already there.I mean in class.

"Dave, do you know a boy called Eliot?"I asked.

No greeting, or how are you?.
Yeah, I started with my point.Not like most people...😒

"Yeah, his a 10th grader."he answered while looking weird at me.

"I saw him flirting with Chanel!And she didn't tell me and-"the bell rang "I'll tell you later."

I sat to the furthest chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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