Don't play these fucking games

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George's PoV
I walked back into the kitchen to see Steph on the floor with blood on her face. The Back door was wide open

" BLAKE REECE" I shouted as they rushed in bake ran out the back to find emily and I picked up Steph and put her on the chair as Reece got some ice

" it hurts" she sobbed

" yeah it's bleeding pretty bad don't panic Reece is on the phone to the ambulance" I hushed her softly as I could see the fear in her eyes

" I can't find her she's ran away" Blake rushed back in as he said then looking at George then he looked at me worriedly

" the ambulance is on there way" Reece gave out a small reassuring smile

" it's gonna be okay" I spoke holding the ice on her face

Soon enough all of us where in the back of a ambulance worrying

" can you guys wait outside while we just talk to her and try and calm her down" the nurse said as we nodded

Short after the nurse came back and invited us back in to see Steph had stitches in her face but she was smiling which made me smile

" thankgod your okay" I hugged her as the smile grew and grew on my face

" awe" one nurse said before Blake raised his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes

We all went back to mine and Steph said that we could do club cam

" so guys Steph's just had to have stitches in her face she had a pretty bad fall but she's okay" Blake smiled as he gave her a sideways hug

" George is here say hey George" Blake smiled pointing the camera to me

" hey guys" I laughed a little

" and REECE" Blake shouted as Reece came in with cans of coke smiling as he waved with 2 fingers while holding cans

" so I think later we might go to the cinema but I'm not sure it depends what do you guys think?" Reece asked looking at us

" cinemas good" Steph smiled

" then where going" George smiled

" right that's our evening sorted" Blake laughed

" okay guys where going to get ready for the cinema so we'll catch you later byee" Blake smiled as he stopped filming

" Blake your phone" I pointed out

" oh it's em I'll talk to her" Blake spoke taking his phone

-Blake and Emily's phone call-

B- what the fuck have you been playing at!

E- I have no idea what you mean baby

B- don't play these fucking games you hurt one of my bestfriends and you think that's okay but let me tell you something do anything else give her dirty looks hit her talk bad about her and we're done okay!

E- sure baby but you'll never get rid of me

B- oh fuck off and grow up what have you get against her Steph has never done anything to you! Your the bully emily you are! Now fuck off bitch were done


Phone call ends

Blakes PoV
Finally I had the balls to tell emily what I thought she was a sweet girl at times but that doesn't overcome all the bad shit she's done so I had to do this and finally I did it and I wasn't crying I was cheering that id done this I walked back downstairs and hugged Steph then George then Reece and hit play on the speaker as girls talk boys started playing and we all started dancing along before each of us got ready for the cinema

Stephs pov
My head was hurting a little bit I didn't want to tell the boys as I knew they'd worry I was in a taxi with all 3 of them and George had just vlogged our taxi drive we kinda got lost but we all made the best of it and just started laughing and they sang while we waited for the taxi man to realise where to go. We all got out and we walked into the cinema we went to see Finding dory. Blake ordered 2 popcorn and 3 drinks because he didn't realise their was 4 of us. We all got in a sat down in a row it went George me Blake and Reece

" Blake you've only got 3 drinks" George pointed out

" oops sorry want me to get another one?" He spoke

" no it's okay we'll share" I smiled as he nodded and grabbed a handful of popcorn and ate it well most of it some fell onto the floor

" LITTERING!" Reece shouted

" Shut up!" I laughed as all the boys laughed

The film started playing and it was amazing well I loved Disney and I think the boys did too I went to drink some of my drink as I bent down to take a sip George did the same and we headbutted

" ahh" I rubbed my head

" omg are you okay?" George whispered rubbing my head

" kiss it better" Reece winked

" no shut up" George rolled his eyes as he rubbed my head one more time and then carried on watching the film

" oi oi" Blake whispered and laughed as I playfully nudged his arm so all of his popcorn fell onto the floor as he laughed and grabbed some and threw it at me

" woah woah woah I'm trying to enjoy the film" Reece laughed looking at us then back at the screen

" sorry Reece" Blake laughed and looked at the screen later on I felt a arm go behind my head as George's arm had magically wrapped itself around the back of my chair and he had his hand rested on my shoulder I just smiled to myself and looked back at the screen. It was the sad part and I heard Reece chuckle as I looked in his direction as I saw Blake's eyes where watering

" awe blake" I whispered as I laughed

" no I'm not crying" Blake spoke rubbing his eyes as we all laughed the film was over and before we left Reece wanted to take a after film selfie so there's me in the middle of Blake and George squished as George he decided to share my seat with me while the selfie was being taken

" I look sexy in that" Blake laughed

" big headed much" I laughed

" hey George is thinking it and so is Reece" Blake laughed

" oh Blake I worry about you" I laughed

" I worry about me too" he laughed

" come on let's go home you two coming to mine?" George asked Blake and Reece

" yeah sure we'll just get some clothes and come back" Reece smiled

" okay" I spoke as George had his arm wrapped around me as we walked to a taxi and got in George told his address and we got to his house

" hey mum" George smiled

" hey sweetie did all of you enjoy the film?" She smiled

" yeah we did" George smiled

" oh George I'm going to your uncles so I'll be late in tomorrow are you okay with that?" His mum smiled

" yeah that's fine mum Blake and Reece are coming over to sleep and we're going to film a video for a cover" George smiled

" awe well you all have fun" George's mum smiled and hugged me and then George before leaving

" toffee and phoebe are sleeping like always" George chuckled as we walked upstairs into his room

Soon enough Blake had rang the door bell and George had let him in we ordered pizza and we decided to play a little game of truth or dare

" truth or dare George?" Blake smirked

Little did he know -George Smith NHCWhere stories live. Discover now