Beginning of an Era

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Blanket, check. Remote, check. Snacks enough to last a lifetime, check. It was time for a full day, multi-season marathon of your favorite TV show—Supernatural.

You snuggled down into the couch, wrapping yourself further into the blanket. You pushed play as you grabbed the bowl of popcorn. Your cat hopped onto the couch and laid down at your feet. Barely five episodes in, a frantic knocking at the door interrupted. You groaned and got up to answer the door. The people at the door made your mouth fall open.

Two men stood at the door. Both of them were taller than you by easily three-quarters of a foot and dressed in formal attire. One had shaggy brown hair brushing his shoulders and the other one had spiky dark blond hair. Both were extremely attractive and both looked exactly like Sam and Dean Winchester.

"Hi. Are you Miss (Y/L/N)?" asked the taller of the two. Your mouth hung open and you slammed the door in their faces. "Oh, God, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles are at my front door," you said to yourself. "Miss, open up. We're the FBI, we have some questions about your recently deceased neighbor," they yelled from the other side of the door. You quickly tried to fix your hair before cracking the door open. "If we could just come in for a minute, that would be awesome," said the Jensen look-alike. You stepped outside with them.

You gazed past both of them down your driveway to see a '67 Chevy Impala parked at the bottom of the hill. "This is not happening," you whispered. "Are you alright, Miss (Y/L/N)?" asked "Jared". You made a small sound and looked up at them. "I need to see some ID," you said with as much courage as you could muster. They pulled out badges and handed them to you. You scanned them closely before finding what you were searching for. You handed them back quickly. "It's against the law to make fake badges, boys," you said. They glanced nervously at one another as they opened their mouths to explain, but you cut them off again. "I don't know who paid you to come here and surprise me, but I can't tell you how amazing it is to meet you both in real life. You really saved me, really. Jared, with your 'Love Yourself' campaign. And Jensen, with the 'You Are Never Alone' campaign that you set up with Misha. I can't thank you enough," you said, throwing your arms around them both. They froze.

"I'm... I'm sorry, who?" said "Jensen". "Would you rather me call you Sam and Dean? Perhaps the Winchester's?" you said sarcastically. "If you could excuse us for a minute?" said "Jared".

In a few minutes, they came back. "Okay, do you read the books or something? Is Chuck printing again? And how do you know about that Jared, Jensen, Misha thing?" said the eldest Winchester. "Are you guys messing with me?" you asked quizzically. They both shook their heads. "We're the Winchester'. And we'd really like to know how you know about us if you're not in this line of work. Do you have a place we could go, or should we go grab a bite? Maybe we should take you back to our motel for now. Just to be safe," said "Jared". You gave them a wait signal and ran inside to grab you bag.

Five minutes later, you were in the back seat of the Impala with the boys on the way back to their motel. "Oh, wow," you mumbled as "Jensen" revved the engine. It roared like a lion before dulling to the gentle purr of a kitten. "You like cars? Baby's a--" "1967 Chevy Impala. This is the car I've always wanted since I first saw one about ten years back," you interrupted. "Jared" nodded approvingly. "Showed you up," he joked. "How much do you know?" he asked you. "Everything from Mary and John to Azazel to Dean going to Hell, Castiel pulling him out, Sam with Ruby and killing Lilith and letting Lucifer out, when they battled the Horsemen, Sam putting himself in the Cage with Lucifer to save the world, him getting out without his soul, Dean dealing with Death to get a wall put up, that wall breaking, making Sam have hallucinations and ending him in a mental institution. I know about Dick Roman and the Leviathans, Cas becoming God, but in the end helping Dean kill him. But they both get sent to Purgatory because of it. And how Dean could have left at any time, but he spent a whole year looking for Castiel with Benny, the good vampire. Metatron tricking Cas and casting the angels out of heaven. How then they went on to have to fight Crowley on completing the trials to close the Gates of Hell forever, then Abbadon and the whole drama with Dean and the Mark of Cain. Then Metatron kills Dean, but he comes back as demon. Sam cures Dean, and looks for a way to get the Mark off, which in turn releases Amara slash the Darkness. That's up to where I am 'cause it's only up to season ten. They haven't got season eleven on Netflix yet. Heard it's good, though," you finished with a smirk. They both sucked in their breath.

"My LSAT score?" asked "Jared". "174," you answered. "Our half-brother's name?" "Adam." "What's our most said phrase for both of us?" "Either 'awesome' or 'son of a bitch' for you and 'get this' for him." The rest of the ride, they prodded you with questions.

"Jared" opened the door for you upon arrival. "Our room number is forty-three. Here's the key; we'll be there in just a minute," he said, handing you a key. You went to the room, kind of surprised when it opened to reveal a room set up just like one would be on the show. Guns were littered everywhere, lore books were stacked on the table, and the beds were mused like someone had restlessly slept in them. You sat on the bed and took in the dream that was happening to you.

A few minutes later, they came in and sat on the bed next to you. "Okay, look, lady, we don't know how you know all this stuff or why you seem to think this is a joke, but we're the Winchester's. I'm Dean, and this is Sam," said "Dean." You laughed. "You're joking, right? Next thing I know, Castiel's gonna randomly how up beside me, right?" you joked. A small noise and a man with black hair and piercing blue eyes was sitting next to you. You screamed and fell off the bed.

"You called, Dean?" said the man. "Yeah. Can you do a little... thing to show her you're an angel?" Dean asked. "Of course. Pass me your knife," he requested. A knife was passed and he took your arm in his hand. He gestured to your arm, asking for permission for what he was about to do. You nodded blindly. He swiped the knife quickly across you forearm and you hissed, broken from your trance. Blood trickled down your arm from the deep slice he'd just cut on you. He placed two fingers on your forehead and you felt warmth trickle over your whole body. You looked down. The cut was gone, replaced by unmarred skin.

You jumped up and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. The angel came to the door, knocking softly. "I'm sorry if I frightened you," he said. You tore off your shorts, glancing down to see your now unbroken skin. No scars, not even the deepest one that almost sent you to the hospital. You lifted up your shirt. No cigarette burn marks from your mother. Nothing was even there to point to anything you or anyone else had ever done to your body. You sunk on the floor and began to cry. No more hiding your legs and stomach, no more lying. You could wear a bathing suit now, you could show off skin without the fear of being called an attention slut.

You quickly did up your pants and flung open the door. Castiel stumbled back as you threw yourself into his arms. "Thank you, thank you so much," you sobbed into his chest. His arms tentatively wound themselves around your waist as he stiffly hugged back. "You're welcome, I believe? Why are you hugging me?" he asked, confused. "Because," you told him, "all my scars are gone now. I don't have to lie or be scared of someone finding out anymore. Thank you," you said. You let go of him, wiping your tears away.

You sat on the bed next in front of the boys and took a deep breath. "So it's all real? All that crap about the monsters and demons and angels?" you asked the boys. They nodded. "And all the stuff that happened to you? You really had to go through that?" you whispered in horror. They nodded again. You stared at your feet, listening to the ringing silence. "Well, I guess that means we don't have to teach her nearly as much, right?" said Dean as he clapped his hands together and moved for the car keys. "Sam, you comin' with? I'm goin' to the library to look up some stuff, then out for some food. AKA pie. Love me some pie," Dean said. He gave a sound of approval and went for his jacket. "Cas, stay here with her. Tell her stories about stuff she might not know, that kinda stuff. Make sure she doesn't get killed," yelled Dean as he slammed the door behind him. A moment later, the roar of the Impala signaled they were gone. You stared in silence at Castiel. He was standing awkwardly in front of the bathroom door, swaying side to side. "So whatcha wanna do, Castiel?" you asked as you stood up.

"Whatever you would like, (Y/n)."

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