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LJ: yay my turn for the day *pervy smile*

Caome: *throws pillow at LJ*

LJ: what the hell was that for!!!

Caome: *shrugs*

LJ: okay~ truth or dare........... The 8 crushes of Caome

Caome: bolts out and grabs a bat

Caome's 8 crushes: *whispers* truth!!!

LJ: would you love Caome back?

EJ: ................. Yes.................

Masky: maybe

Hoodie: probably

Toby: yes!!! *hugs caome*

Caome: *dying* I need........ Oxygen

Ben: yeah

Dr. Smiley: maybe

Glitchy red: hell yeah

Dark: probably

Caome: RELEASE THE WILD FANGIRLS!! *opens the room filled with fan girls*

Everyone except miku and Caome: AHHH hellpppppp

Miku and Caome: yay!!!

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