Little Miss Jessie Rockwell

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Russel, the captain of the football team, had his arms draped around Jessie, who stood there talking to the group of popular teens that surrounded her. They were outside the school, sitting and standing on and around the benches.

"You're looking good today," Russel said to Jessie. She was always wearing something stylish, while all he wore was his jersey and jeans, or a sports-related t-shirt if he didn't wear the jersey.

"She always looks good! She's Jessie Rockwell, duh!" Rebecca said, as if Russel said the dumbest thing to ever be uttered. Rebecca Lawson was also very popular, and she was Jessie's best friend. Jessie smiled at her.

Everyone loved Jessie's outfits. Today, she wore leather pants, a light pink blouse, and a black leather jacket. She also wore a stylish choker necklace, and a matching bracelet. Her were several inches high, but she still managed to walk in them with ease. Red lips, perfectly blended makeup, and smooth, soft, curly hair helped pull the outfit together.

"I gave you a compliment," Russel said.

"So? You're not my boyfriend. We're not together. All you do is try to control people," Jessie said, smacking her gum, then moving to a different bench, while the others followed, including Russel, although he kept his distance. As she sat down on the black bench, she heard a voice speak to her.

"You tell him!" the voice called. She turned to see who it was.

Andrew Jacobs and his friend, Brandon Thomas walked past her, both looking in her direction.

"Which one of you said that?" she asked, running up to them.

"Andrew did!" Brandon said quickly, lying.

"No, I didn't!" he retorted.

"Well, thanks," she said, smiling.

"What?" both of the guys asked.

"Just because I'm popular doesn't mean I'm a total bitch," Jessie said, grinning.

"Well, he said it. So what? You called one person out. You do that all the time. You shouldn't let him hang all over you all the time and then turn on him when he compliments you," Andrew said coldly.

"Excuse me?" Jessie asked, shocked.

"You don't impress me, Little Miss Jessie Rockwell. And you don't have to act all nice to us; we know you're just gonna go back over there and talk trash about us," Andrew snapped.

"I'm not acting!" Jessie insisted, slightly hurt by his words.

"Please. You're the fakest person at this school," Andrew said, crossing his arms.

"Okay, Andrew, that's enough," Brandon said, pulling him away. They walked away quickly, leaving Jessie shocked.

"What did those dorks say to you?" Frank asked. Frank was Russel's best friend, but also associated with Jessie.

"Nothing," she replied. Lacy Reece, Greg Portman, Brent Wells, Macee Kent, Cheryl Mills, Max Carter, and Terra Brown continued to talk, but Jessie remained silent until the bell rang.

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