Chapter 6

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I woke up in my house with a bat in my head staring down at my father passed out on the floor and my mother weeping in the corner and I fell to my knees sobbing. 

"Tell me everything, now!" I screamed hitting the bat on the floor creating another dent on the floor.

She then explained to me everything that happened. My sister's name is Jaimy Quinn and when we were born I was very mean and tried to burn down the house. She was nice and would pick up after me and help my mother when she cried and my father couldn't take it anymore so he threw her out and made me believe that she was fake and made me seem insane when I wasn't! I heard the laughter beginning to get loud. He lied to me

I ran to the Wayne Manor and beat on the door until it was opened by the same butler.

"Ms. Quinn what brings you here?" he said in a kinda of British tone, was it British? I need to ask later.

"Where is Bruce!? I need to talk to him" i shouted and he took into a giant bedroom where Bruce was sitting on the balcony. Do these guys not have anything?

"What's wrong you look upset sweetie?"  said Mrs. Wayne walking towards me.

"He lied to me...." to save you from the whole story, she sat me down and I told her everything. My father, my sister, everything.

"Knight....I wanna show you something. But you can't say anything to anyone" ok jeez I get it I can't tell anyone.

He took me behind a secret bookshelf and down a hallway to another door that had stairs leading down it (A/N like the batcave in Batman Forever? i think thats the one) into this big room full of armoured suits with pointy ear and a nice ass car and a plane? Does this man have everything.

"Sorry I left the waterfall on" there's the answer he has a waterfall people.

"Have you heard of Batman, Knight?" Bruce said. I flinched at the name, then I looked around again.

"You're batman" I said wide eyed  

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