Harleen's Crush

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So Harleen asked if she could come over after work and talk, supposedly it was really important,  of course I said yes. I was curious what she wanted to talk about. I finished work and rushed home to my apartment, I'm a police detective and today I didn't have much work. It was a quiet day in Gotham, for once. I drove home it was 6:50, Harleen was coming over at 7:00. I took off my wedges but was still in my sky blue button up and leggings.

There was a knock at the door and I walked over thinking it was Harleen. I opened the door and Harleen was there in a red shirt and a skirt and her classic glasses.

She had a somewhat worried look on her face.

"Are you ok?" I said as I open the door for her to come in.

She rushed in and shut the door locking it. What's going on?  She didn't answer my question but pulled me to sit down on my couch.

"Ok, if I tell you this you have to PROMISE me you wont tell anyone, ok?" She said as she looked me dead in the eye.

"Ok." I said nervous of what I was getting myself into.

She does after all work at Arkham Asylum so it wouldn't be out of the norm if something strange happened to her.

"Well lets just say there was a patient that I have had for a while and he is very charming and became my friend. I might have fallen in love for him." She paused.

What? Who are they? Why are they in Arkham?

"And I may have helped him escape." She said rushed.

"WHAT?!" I shouted standing up.

Then suddenly my door slammed opened. I pulled my sister off the couch and shoved her in the bathroom, to keep her safe. I was leaning against the wall waiting for whoever to come around the corner. I could tell by there footsteps they were heavily armed. They finally walked around the corner. I grabbed the man closes to me and quickly disarmed him, using the end of the gun I hit the masked man in the head rendering him uncurious. The other man now realized I was there and aimed his AK towards me but I twisted it out of his hands. I kicked his feet from under his and hit him with the back of the gun. Both men were now unconscious and before I could check on my sis I was pushed against the wall by someone. I felt a sharp cold object press against my neck, a knife.

"Sorry doll face, you put up a good fight, but I'm going to have to end it." The voice, no doubt, was the famous Joker.

He was inches away from my face and I could make out every scar and even his J tattoo. He was about three inches taller than me, and I'm 5,7. Realizing that my sister was still in the bathroom I tried to shove him off but I had no luck, dang he was strong. Then the bathroom door opened and I saw my sister jump out.

"Puddin!" She shouted as she jumped into his arms.


"Harley, I was just about to kill her." He whined.

Harley? I remember that my friend and I would call her that as kids.

"You can't kill her she is my sister! Promise me you wont kill her?" She nearly begged.

"Fine Harley." He groaned.

"Your dating THE Joker?!" I shouted.

"I can believe it." I mumbled.

Harleen and I have always been a little odd, we get that from our mother.

"What?" the Joker asked.

"Oh nothing Mr. J she's just got voices like me!" Harley said with a large grin.

This man has really pulled out the demons inside her. I sighed. What next Batman is going to come here?  I looked at the large window with the fire escape and counted.

5 4 3 2 1 Nope nothing well I tried

"Hey Harley can you go pull the car up front?" The Joker asked.

"Sure! Anything for ya." She said as she walked out with a small skip.

"So, why aren't you afraid of me? You didn't even flinch when you saw it was me?" He asked as he stepped closer to me.

"I have never really been afraid of you, not even since I first heard of you, and now I know you can't kill me." I said with a smirk as I crossed my arms.

"Oh really." He said as he took a step closer.

He pulled the knife he still had in his hand and put it again my cheek. He began to pull the knife down my face. .

"Just cause I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hurt you." He continued to pull the blade and once he reached my jawline he applied pressure, breaking skin.

And with that he walked off, kicking his goons that were on the floor. The blood tricked down my neck.

"Get up!" He scowled.

The two men slowly got up and walked out.

I stood there for a few minutes trying to process what happened. I went to my bedroom and decided to take a shower to get things off my mind.

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