Needing Brandon...

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(Brandon keeps holding on to Karen and kisses her more but Karen slowly pulls away)
Karen:(wipes her tears and looks up to Brandon) Brandon I don't think we should do this I men's I just broke up Johnny and....
Brandon:(interrupts Karen) it's ok I'm not planning to force you anything, that kiss was just a impulse that I hair can't avoid, sorry (half smiles)
Karen:(takes deep breath) look Brandon I just broke a relationship 30 minutes ago and I don't want to start another one any time soon... You know I want space
Brandon:(smiles fuller) ya me too, I also don't feel secure to have a relationship.... I mean yes I feel like I have changed and am now way more mature than I was before but not that mature to handle a relationship
Karen:(smiles back) true, I think it was a mistake to go out with Johnny I mean I just turned 14 and well I guess that I am too young for a secure relationship 
Brandon:(smiles) ya I think we should give each other time to think and settle our feelings
Karen:(smiles) yes because we both really need it
Brandon:(laughs) we do and well I know in gonna sound so annoying cuz I just said that I've changed and matured but you look so cute when you smile
Karen:(laughs) don't worry I don't want you change (leans in and kisses Brandon softly for a short time and ten pulls away) I like the Brandon I met the day I went to Phoenix, the one who was so seductive and funny...but I also like the present Brandon who is more mature and respects me(smiles to the ground) just don't change too much ok?
Brandon:(lifts Karen's face and then laughs) trust me there's things in me that even if I want to, won't change....(smiles and grabs Karen's waist) for example I am still a fuckboys  who seduces girls into kissing him
Karen:(frowns) What?
Brandon:(laughing pulls Karen closer to him) I'm just kidding!
Karen:(laughs) not funny!
Brandon:(pulls Karen a bit to close where she could feel his build body against hers) or really is not? Well then, let me tell you want else won't change about me, I love to make the girls I like heart to beat faster, to melt in my arms, to fall for me, to let me kiss them whoever I want to.... (He leans into Karen for a kiss but Karen's pulls away)
Karen:(laughing) umm no boii! You can't do just anything with me ok!
Brandon:(smiles flirty) really are you sure about that?
Karen:(smiles flirty back)**another thing that hasn't changed about Brandon, his cute flirty smile, his even more build body, his sexiness, his seductiveness, and most of all his lip taste and that every time he looks at me I'll always feel butterfly in my stomach and heat my body up... My attraction toward Brandon, is what truly never change** (she runs at Brandon and jumps on him and passionately kisses his lips whisk him swaying her on the air).....

^^ok now watch the video^^

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