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Explain to me, why you are the way you are. Is it to impress him? Is it to hurt me? Why must you always snoop into the business that isn't yours? And you want me to forgive you for everything you've done? You've called me and my brother faggots on numerous occasions! And you expect me to to forgive but not forget? No wonder your mother wants nothing to do with you! You're moody and you spread everyone's business.  You're a raggedy bitch! And my dad already kicked you out once! Yet you found a way to weasel your way right back in. And then you talk all this shit about (for the sake of privacy let's call her C) C.  And it's astounding that you think you have the right to get pissy when someone talks shit about you. Fuck you.  That's all I have to say. Fuck you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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