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Hey guys! I revised the prologue and it is SO MUCH BETTER. Please read it.

On a white Christmas night in Paris, in a hospital not too far from the bakery, two blonde brothers could be seen.
The two brothers were the only breathing things in the room, one breathing well, the other, not so much.

Felix Agreste sat in silence as he watched the heart monitor. He knew no matter how stable his brother was now, he wouldn't stay that way, and the doctor would be able to do nothing. The dark matter eaten away at the boy in the bed could not be cured by mundane procedures.

A soft, almost inaudible noise caused Felix to glance to his side. Adrien Agreste stirred in his bed. His eyes fluttered open, and when they landed on Felix, he smiled weakly.

"Hey, Fe'," he spoke, his voice hoarse and dry. "You're here."

"I wouldn't leave you alone on Christmas."

"No one should be alone on Christmas!" A bluenette once told him, but he wouldn't dare allow himself the pleasure if remembering her, not after she left.....without saying goodbye.

Both brothers looked out the window, and watched the snow blanket the Earth. Christmas Eve, and Felix doubted he'd ever be able to get in the Christmas spirit. Not while his sweet, little brother was dying, and there was nothing he could do.

The time on the wall blinked into 11:58. Two minutes left. Felix would never admit it, not even to himself, but he was alone this Christmas.
The bluenette, who he hadn't seen since April, his friends, who he'd hadn't spoken to in those month's either. His father, well, if toy could even call him that, was as cold as ever.

"A white Christmas," Adrien breathed, "Probably my last."

Felix jumped up. "Don't say that! Don't you dare say that!"

Adrien stared at him with a blank expression. Felix calmed himself and sat down, grabbing Adrien's ringless hand.

Where is his ring, you may wonder? It hasn't been seen since the Battle of Spring, the battle that left families mourning their loved ones. And not just the families of Ladybug.

Adrien's breathing started to slow at 11:59. Felix still had the urge to call the doctors, but knew it was futile. The monitor beeped loudly, Adrien was going to die.

No one should be alone on Christmas! 

And the irony of it all, with Christmas around the corner, and his wish for Adrien to get well, hasn't been fulfilled.

Felix grabbed Adrien's hand. "Come on, Adrien. Just give me Christmas. Give me Christmas."

"Do you think Bridgette's angry with me, for letting Marinette-"

"Shh! Don't waste your energy. You know it wasn't your fault. You tried to save her."

"But I didn't," Adrien mumbled. His eyes fluttered, and Fwkix struggled to keep him awake.

"Come on, Chat Noir!" He yelled angrily, "Paris' most flirtatious superhero, and this is how you go out?"

"I lost my ring."

Whatever keeps him awake.

  Adrien was hysterical now, he laughed even though it was painful, and there were tears streaming down his face.
"Some hero I am! I lost Plagg, I lost Ladybug, I lost. Stupid Hawkmoth! I'd only....."

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