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" love is blind

love is love

love is pain

and so I loved a murderer "

Moira Angelo was only a normal girl who fell in love with her best friend, Kieran Wilcox.

When the two were neighbors in Atlanta, Moira only really wanted to know the thirteen year old angst boy. He was moody, and almost mean to her when they first met on their bus stop, but Moira didn't let that not attract her to Kieran.

When they were fourteen, Kieran had opened up to Moira about his feelings. Her persistence had finally cracked his shell, and he was crying on her shoulder.

He told her about his hated for his father. He said he wanted to kill his father, wanted his father to feel worthless just like Kieran did when he left him.

Moira listened, she teared, and she cared for Kieran.

When they were fifteen, Moira had kissed Kieran.

Kieran had kissed her back, and he so gratefully took her away. She was happy, and he was decently happy. He wasn't suicidal, his stepfather and mother were not worried when the two were together. Moira had become Kieran's pain medicine, and she had no problem with that.

Their days spent together were so secretly kept, that Moira did not know he had a cousin.

Eli Hudson had met Moira Angelo when they were sixteen. She was curious as to why Kieran had never mentioned Eli. Though, Kieran had tried to convince Moira that he had told her, but she never recalled.

And it kept going on, the ongoing cycle of Kieran persisting that he had told her of Eli, and how Eli was a horrible person.

Moira was confused, because Kieran was so confident that he told her about Eli. But Moira let it happen, because she loved Kieran. Even though Eli was very funny, and was extremly interested in her, she still choose to believe Kieran.

Kieran's parents died in a car crash when he was sixteen, and had just gotten his driver's license.

Moira put together the puzzles. Kieran had killed his parents, and he had lied to her. He had lied to her

He had lied to her.

Moira was told that he lost the wheel, but she has seen him drive with ease. Kieran told her he is sad, and he wants his family back. But Moira has seen the look in his eyes at the funeral--freedom and happiness.

Moira still loved Kieran. From the way he smiled, to the way he held her when they spend their night together. Her eyes were centered on him, and his beautiful eyes. She loved the way he flipped his hair, and she loved it when he tugged at hers.

She his first, as was he was hers.

Most people in Atlanta would look at Kieran, the mysterious teen, and wonder why he had such a bright girl. Those people were suspicious of him, but she wasn't. No, she was in love.

And the moment when she truly realized this, was when Eli had posted pictures of her naked body. Pictures that were taken from outside her window. They were everywhere.

Moira had felt like she betrayed Kieran when she didn't believe Eli was bad. She cried to Kieran, begged him for forgiveness, which he did.

Then, Moira's life turned upside down. Kieran had confessed.

"I love you," he whispered, touching her, making her feel good.

In that moment, Moira shivered with excitement. He whispered hoarsely that he would kill for her.

Kieran had confessed, and it made her feel dangerously special.

When Kieran left, Moira herself left with him. He had stuff to figure out, with his biological father--that they both hated.

Moira's blood boiled at the thought of Clark Hudson, the man that treated Kieran like shit.

Four months without Kieran made her feel naked. With those pictures Eli had taken of her, Moira felt like no one was there to protect her.

Though, the murder of Lakewood were frightening, Moira waited to visit her love. The uncertain relationship between them was, well, uncertain.

So she moved there, but the only problem was Eli and his mother coming along as well.

There were quarels, mostly between Eli and Moira, but they settled their differences. Tina, Kieran's aunt, had put them both in their place.

"You two are still children. Granted, Eli is an immature child, but he has learned, Moira. Now, shut up, and put your damn luggage in the trunk or you're not coming."

Moira shut up, but she called the back seat--alone.

So this brings a close, to the past of Kieran Wilcox and Moira Angelo. Most people are wary of newcomers in Lakewood, but no one is even more concerned than Moira--when she finds out, that Kieran is much more different than how he had left her.

He's nicer, he's kind.

He's loving, but also shy.

He was rough [to her], and he was rude.

But he's also got a girlfriend, too.



so! This is only going to take place in SEASON TWO!!!!

This is going to be an eventual ELI HUDSON fanfic!! But for know, it's gonna b the very complicated feelings of Moira.

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