future series (emma)

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Author's notes:
So like Mari's pregnant with Emma but has not told Adrien yet btw if you have not read the intro in front I suggest you do it know. Then you won't feel soo lost.
Marinette's pov
Marinette was looking at her stomach in her reflection, it was slightly bigger than last month. She, Marinette Agreste,wife of Adrien Agreste, was pregnant with their first child. And worst still, she has not told Adrien yet! Because she was not sure how he did react,but her parents knew,Alya knows, so does Nino.('cuz Alya told him, they are already married) and now it's time for to Adrien know,
Her train of thoughts were interrupted by a certain blonde or kitty cat.
"Bugaboo! I'm home!" Adrien says as soon as he steps into the house no, mansion that they own. Marinette quickly pulled down her baggy T-shirt with a paw print, a design she made in her free time.  It was a little
oversized because she uses it to hide her stomach until today. ' I'm gonna tell him, I can do it!' Marinette thought. " Oh! Hey kitty,kitty, Adrien!" Marinette say casually. Adrien pecks Marinette's lips before saying" hey, Mari, I'm gonna take a shower that we can talk about today's happenings 'kay?" "Sure!" Marinette replied. Once Adrien's in the shower and she hears the water being switched on, Marinette starts complaining to Tikki about how hard it is for her to tell Adrien before she rushed to the guess room toilet, flunking open the toilet seat to upchuck. "Mari? Are you okay?" Adrien asked with concern laced in his voice. I thought he was in the shower? Nevermind!" Oh! Uhh hey Adrien, can I talk to you? It's important but if you like, you can go have your shower than talk..."I trailed off." "Of course Mari, bugaboo, but how 'bout we both go into the shower. Together." I really don't want him to know, but his gonna find out sooner or later, might as well be now." Um okay Adrien," I decided.""Kay my lady. I'll just go grab a towel." Adrien said. No, I thought! The pregnancy test! Their in the closet!" Wait! No Adrien!" I started but it was too late. He saw them." Mari, what are these doing here?" He asked holding the pregnancy test up." I-um-I- that's what I want to talk to you about. I'm pregnant Adrien. Huh! Surprise?" I said weakly. We stood there for awhile more like maybe five seconds? I dunno but it fills like five minutes instead. Then...
Author's notes:
Hey hey hey guys! You dudes like the cliffhanger?  Anyways just in case, for the next part, it gonna have a recap( I say again,j-u-s-t-i-n-c-a-s-e) and please vote! Anyways, well:
# Livi,
Peace out!

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