Chapter 2

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"Beep, beep, beep!" My eyes slowly open one by one. I dreading leaving the warmth of my bed. After a while of procrastinating I realise I need to get up. I can't afford to be late on the first day!

I've done everything a the average teenager would do ;brush my teeth, done my makeup etc; apart from changing. Im still stood here in my basic pj's! "Ahh I have no clothes!" I let out. After half an hour of digging through my wardrobe ;clothes flying in every direction; I finally have something to wear.

Looking at the final product in the mirror I realise there's nothing more I can do. I'm wearing a plain black top with a rustic brown leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans and leather brown boots with my skull backpack. The basic everyday me. Let's just say me and mornings are natural enemy's and I NEEED coffee!

"Ready for your first day at your new school?" I don't know why mum bothers to ask these questions. "It will be just like any other school that I've gone to!" All high schools look the same once your been to many different ones.

This will be my 7th high school I've been to, I would say I hope that it will be the last but I don't hope for anything anymore. "Don't be like that! And don't get yourself in any trouble while your there!" Another stupid thing said. I always get In trouble. Prone to it. "I'll avoid trouble. Have you seen my car keys?" "There hanging by the door." Mum says as I'm just about to walk out of the front door. With the rattling sound in my hands I hop into my green VW beetle and drive to the hell hole they call school.

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