Chapter two

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Andy's pov:- I arrived at David's house and opened the car door, I stood up stretching my legs and collected my bag
"Thank you John!" I said and shook his hand
"You have fun on tour!" He said and drove off as I got into Dave's yard and began banging at the door , only to see a lazy Dave open it
"Andy?" He asked as he rubbed his now pink eyes
"Sorry I disturbed" I said scratching behind my neck and smiling yes I have a crush on him but I need to get over it he will never like me
He smiled "no need to be, we were just bunking since we thought you wouldn't come" he said and opened the door wider and I stomped in
Brandon,Brent,Hayden and him were there, booze was all around, broken bottles and a giant ice cream cake from DairyQueen^ You know that ice cream shop and stuff most know it as DQ
"Well, Andy we were just about to hit the hay? Wanna come?" Brent asked fixing his spiked hair
"Sure!, but can I take this bottle of booze?" I asked raising a jack Daniels bottle at the front of them
"Sharing?" Hayden asked and I turned to Dave
"Only with Dave" I said and Brandon shouted "G--Gays--I--in--th--the--H--House--Y--Yo!" And he received a small push from Hayden
"Oh fuck the fuck up Brandon!" Hayden said as he drank some more of the Smirnoff from a random bottle he found lying on the ground
"So Andy?" Hayden asked laying on the tiled grounds of Dave's house
"What?" I answered yawning
"Heard you broke up with Charlotte?" He asked and suddenly I wasn't so tired anymore
"Who told you?" I asked again and rubbed my eyes and threw the empty jack Daniels bottle to the wall causing it to break into pieces and grabbed another bottle of Smirnoff the cherry kind that's sweet
"Caity" he said as he snatched a bottle of lemon Smirnoff from Brent who was sleeping on the chair, his mouth wide open and his eyes shut tight
"Someone fetch that shit!" Hayden said as Dave picked up Brent and carried him up the stairs probably into the room
"Planning to get back with Sabrina eh?" Hayden asked showing a middle finger to Brandon who was taking a picture of him
"Yeah" I said throwing my head into the tile, it pained but it was worth it
"Dudes, our flight is at 8 and its 2 o clock in the morning" David said sternly as he picked me up off the ground bridal style I started hitting him with my hands
"Put my ass down!" I demanded and he laughed
"Nope!" He said causing me to hit him some more
"Daaaavvveeee!" I shouted causing him to start laughing
"Shut up baby, you'll wake the boys!"he said and the light in Brandon and Hayden's room was turned off and so was the one in Brent's
He placed me onto the bed to sit
"I wanna sleep!" I demanded stripping my joggers on and leaving me with my boxers only
"Dude, have you no decency?" Dave asked causing me to chuckle as I pulled the sheet off of him showing him In his boxers
"Is that decent?" I asked and he chuckled
"Good night Andy" he said turning to his side and turning off the lamp , I just lied there, wondering about Sabrina wondering about the little one, what gender it was, what was its name, but David apparently realized something was going on and so he turned his light back on and turned to face me
"Oh, sorry Dave" I said reaching to turn off my lamp only when he pulled me back
"Andy,Stop!" He demanded and we both sat up on the bed
"What?" I asked yawning again
"Stop pretending that everything is okay!, that 20 year old that I remember isn't like this!" He shouted and then I tried to build my walls up some more , with his kindness and caring affection he was breaking them down slowly by slowly
"I'm 22 now David!" I said and nodded my head and grabbed the bottle filled with Smirnoff booze and opened it and started gulping it down again
"Andy,what's wrong?" He asked softly and placed his hand on my shoulder and I blushed lightly
"Well,Charlotte and I broke up and I can't find Sabrina" I said wiping the tear that was racing down my cheek
"Look, Sabrina is taking Jessie and Johnny to our venue tomorrow I'll ask Taylor to ask her to let your little girl come" Dave said and I threw the bottle to the wall causing it to shatter
"My little girl!?" I asked happily jumping up and down on the bed
"I have a little girl!?" I asked again and sat next to David I could see him smiling brightly
"Yes Andy" he said and I jumped higher than ever hitting my head on the fan  and I bounced onto the bed rubbing my head causing Dave to start laughing
"What's funny?" I asked and turned to him
"You!" He said pushing me onto the bed and started fighting with me
"Off child!" I said pushing him causing him to fling himself onto me
"Dave!" I shouted and he started fighting me again, we were friends so we had play fights all the time every single god damn time
"Your soul is mine!" He said making a evil laugh and I started screaming loudly and finally we stopped and sat back down on the bed
"Can you tell me her name?" I asked wiping blood off a small scratch he gave to me
"Alyssa Ciara DeTomlinson" he said and I turned to him
"Benn signed for her?" I asked tears stinging my eyes
"Benn and Ciara, but they made a deal with the guy and signed Ciara's last name" Dave whispered and I wiped a tear off my cheek
"I want her to be Alyssa Andrew John Velsaquez" I whispered and Dave pulled me into a hug and started wiping my tears himself
"Your my little brother!,Man!,you gotta be strong like me!" Dave joked softly and I let out a choked back sob and Dave wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in tighter I just threw my hands over both his shoulders
"I want her to be Alyssa Andrew John Velsaquez, it will make my mom and dad and sisters proud" I sobbed and Dave handed me a soft brotherly kiss on the forehead causing me to go weak
"You need to work towards making her and her mother a Velsaquez again" Dave said softly and I smiled
"I love you Andy, your my lil brother, my best friend forever" Dave said and I chuckled
"I love you too Dave, your my big brother best friend forever"
"My little pony!"
"Oh my gosh I knew you were a girl!" Dave shouted and I yawned
"It's already morning dumpling so get the fuck out of the bed!" Dave demanded pulling the sheet off of himself and walked into the bathroom,I sat up on the bed and heard the shower turn on
"Wow Speedy!" I said as I pulled out a towel out of my bag and my clothes
"Wake the others!" Dave shouted and I walked out of the room, I went to Brent's room and there was a
"Don't disturb me or I'll drum your face until it's flat"
-Love Brent-
I pushed open the door, Brent was on the bed, under the sheets, his phone was ringing so I went up to it and saw Tessa(My pregnant girl)
Answer or decline
I left it to vibrate off and when it stopped I woke him up, sometimes Tessa would be really overbearing to anyone including him ever since she got pregnant
"Brent!,Brent!" I shouted pushing his back
"What!?" He turned to face me pissed as hell
"What happened to "being the best drummer for the retrograde tour!?"" I shouted and he sprang off of the bed, atleast he had shorts on
"Dave in the upstairs bathroom"
"I'll go downstairs!" Brent said grabbing his towel,bag and clothes and scooted down the stairs
I went to Hayden and Brandon's room, they shared a room since they are like the bestest of best friends ever
The door was scribbled
"Disturb if you like but don't be shitty!"
-Brandon and Hayden-
I pushed open the door, Brandon was hugged by Hayden while he was turned right
"Hello!? What happened to being the best bassist and guitarist for the retrograde tour!?" I shouted and Hayden sprung up and shook Brandon
"I give you guys 19 minutes to get dressed" Dave said standing behind me
"I'm gonna go shower" I said walking towards the bathroom and locked the room door

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