1 week later

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1 week later
Kali's oufit

1 week later Kali's oufit

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At school
Ms.martin:ok lydia
Paul:absent again  (sighs)
At home
Kali:(feels her stomach)paul what an ass (feels pain)ow sorry he's not an ass
Haley:kali what happen because your at home not at school
Kali:paul he moved on i still love him I'm pregnant with his baby that he doesn't want
Paul:(comes in)kali why are you not at school
Kali:none of your business you are not my boss or parent why do you even care
Paul:your caring my kid i have to care i also care about your safety
Kali:oh really (sarcastic)
Paul:look i know your pissed at me for everything i did I'm sorry
Kali:why don't you go to rachel
Paul:look I'm sorry i can't have a kid with a vampire
Kali:(rolls her eyes)
Paul:(kisses kali)
Kali:are you going back to school
Paul:no I'm staying here with you
Paul:I'm also staying here for you at night
Kali:ok but if you don't like me then why do you kiss me
Paul:to make you feel better your hurt
Kali:I'm better though
Paul:kali your my imprint i feel your emotions and our baby
Kali:but I'm ok really
Paul:your not your still hurt when i hurt her
Paul:and you still love me and i love you too
Paul:yeah (kisses kali)
Kali:so our baby could be a hybrid or just a wolf or something else with different abilities
Paul:yeah but the baby is worth it (kisses her stomach)
Kali:(laughing)your tickling me
Paul:there's that smile i missed so much
Kali:yeah i missed it too I've been depressed alot and different... (faints on the Paul's arms)
Paul:kali (shakes her)kali you ok kali
Kali:(wakes up)paul
Paul:what happen
Kali:my pregnancy i fainted since i was pregnant it will stop soon and my blood cravings will go away too
Paul:(hugs her)I'm sorry for doing this to you
Kali:it's fine (crying into Paul's shoulder)
Paul:don't worry we'll work it out
Tonight in kali's room
Kalis pajama

Kali:what are you going to do when I'm asleep Paul:sleep with you Kali:(nods)Paul:(gets in bed cuddles Kali with his hand on kali's stomach and head on kali's neck)Kali:goodnight (falls asleep)Paul:good night babe (kisses kali)In Kali's dream Kali...

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Kali:what are you going to do when I'm asleep
Paul:sleep with you
Paul:(gets in bed cuddles Kali with his hand on kali's stomach and head on kali's neck)
Kali:goodnight (falls asleep)
Paul:good night babe (kisses kali)
In Kali's dream
Kali's pregnant but a couple witches holding her down as she screams and tries to escape but can't threatens the witches then kali with a bloody face
Kali:(opens her eyes with tears)
Paul:(wakes up with just shorts on no shirts)whats wrong
Paul:oh then you'll be ok and so will our baby (kisses her stomach and kisses kali's lips then falls a sleep)

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