You Had Me At Hello.

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-Bella's POV-

I sat in the darkness of my room, with the cold thin blanket that I managed to find in the storage room loosely on my shoulders. I felt like something was missing however. I thought long and hard. Maybe it was that my brother wasn't here. Then I remembered.

I completely forgot that Jonah was going to pick me up in like an hour to go to a meet up in LA for a few days.  I rushed with packing, quickly stuffing anything I could find or needed. I was still in my pajamas and Jonah gave me a text saying 'Almost there'. I started panicking, ripping off my shirt and changing it to the fist thing I saw. Then as I looked for my socks, there was a knock on the door.

"Jonah!" I said smiling. "Can you wait a minute?' I asked letting him in like this was normal. "More importantly, why don't you have pants on?" he asked, smiling. "Oh crap." I said looking down. "Whatever, you have seen me without my pants on, it's only fair." He said walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Okay, but you have literally five minutes." He said looking up from his phone. "Why did you forget?" He asked but I could kinda tell he didn't care. "I was too busy fucking your bitch." I said jogging to my room and putting on pants and my black Vans. After rolling my suitcase and throwing my duffle bag over my shoulder I told him I was ready.

He gave a smile at me and we headed for his car. On the way to the airport, Jonah told me what was happening with him and Sam, a girl that he likes. It made me a little jealous to be honest, I always kinda liked Jonah. Yet, I can't complain. I'm happy for him, honest. I mean what can I complain about anyway?

The airport was so flippin' boring! The plane ride was decent but I was just excited to go to L to the freaking A! Jonah told me that he was going to introduce me to O2L and SDK. It was weird kinda.I was friends with Jonah,and he never introduced me to his friends, even though we have seen all each other on YouTube.

"First stop, the O2L house!" Jonah said and we started walking to his car. Okay, that is confusing but when he came to Washington, we drove my car. "What's going on there?" I asked walking to the passenger side and getting in. "They have this huge party, like they usually." he said rolling his eyes and getting in.

When we arrived I was so nervous. Jonah said that we were early so there wern't a lot of people here yet. I let out a sigh but then Jonah says "Ryan is here, you always told me you wanted to meet him." he starts walking towards the house and gestures for me to come over. 

The house was amazing, it took my breath away. All I had was a crummy apartment! As we start to go farther in the living room I see a guy sitting down, his legs causally crossed. "Jonah!" I heard him say, getting up and giving him a bro hug. "Hey, this is my friend I've been talking about, Bella." he said turning around to me. "Hi, I'm Ryan." he said, putting out his hand. I just stood there, stunned at his beauty. Then I woke up from my daydream and gave him back a handshake. 

"Let's get this party started well!" Jonah said leaving the room so me and Ryan were alone."Nice shoes." Ryan said very awkwardly. I loved his voice. I knew he was from New Jersey but he didn't have that kind of accent. If there was an accent labeled perfection, Ryan would definitely have that. Mesmerized at his voice I forgot what he was saying. "Umm thanks." I said looking down at them.

They were my white Vans, that had Sleeping With Sirens lyrics all over them. "You like SWS?" I asked. "Yes!" he said looking at me. We had a deep conversation about how awesome they are and then before I knew it, the party was starting. So many people came.

 After awhile the party got boring. I went to the bathroom to get away from it. Since I forgot my phone in Jonah's car so I just looked threw their medical cabinets. Which just made me even more bored. When I sat down on the toilet (lid down of course) I heard the door open. Oh great, someone is going to have sex I thought, but I was wrong. It was Ryan. 

"Boring to you too huh?" He asked and I nodded my head. "You know what, I'm starting to like you." He said with a smile. While he was walking to the bathtub and sitting down I asked "What are we going to do after this?". He thought for a bit and said "Most of these people will spend the night but i'm pretty sure the meet up is tomorrow." I just smiled and said "Okay." We kinda just sat there for a minute and then a boy I was unfamiliar with opened the bathroom door.

"What are you doing Ryan?" He asked. Now don't get me wrong, this boy was pretty cute. "Umm, taking a break from... you know, her." He said looking down at his shoes. "Oh okay, well still, a little partying won't kill you!" the boy said, practically shoving Ryan out the door. As soon as he did, I left.

"Hey." the boy said, smiling. Gosh he had a cute smile. "I'm Jc by the way." he said. "Bella." I said doing a little curtsy, gosh was I an idiot. Jc started to talk about something but I wasn't listening. Because I couldn't help but see Ryan, he was far behind Jc. He was holding two drinks, and was looking straight at us. 

A/N: Sorry for such a long begging! I honestly didn't know how to start it, but I know what I'm going to do for continuing it! Aha okay, I should probably go now before I embarrass myself. Also, if it was confusing, leave what was in the comments, I can clarify. Have a good day lovlies! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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