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Jenn: "I have everything packed. my swimsuit, favorite jeans, favorite shirt, even the unicorn onesie! bring your unicorn onesie"
me: "okay, I will haha. I have 200 bucks to waste. I saved it for this day. I never been so happy on a Monday"
I put the money on my makeup bag. Jenn and I were wearing kinda the same thing. grey sweatpants Nike shoes and different color shirt. my mom walked in my room.
mom:"you guys ready? so I can drop you off? is the teacher already there?"
me: "yeah mom"
my mom left the room and went to the car. Jenn was screaming and jumping around and I just laughed. we took our bags and left the house.

mom took off. I got nervous for some reason. Jenn was was smiling and looking out the window.
Jenn: "Disneyland here we come. all those dumbass fund raisers really paid off. we are staying at this fancy hotel with all our friends doing what we love."
me: "yeah. Disneyland is going to be the best experience"
we watched Netflix and texted Kian and Jc the whole way there.
teacher: "alright people lets get this straight okay? today we are photographers, not students but photographers okay? there's no having fun today okay? be professionals. be the artist do the art. if you do a good job with the photos and videos you have two days to enjoy Disneyland okay? I want at least 50 pictures and 2 videos. this is your final activity. you have two days okay ?"
we all agreed and people went separate ways.Jenn took pictures and I had a GoPro and put it on my head and took a video of me riding rides. I also made a video giving interviews to random strangers of how they felt about Disneyland and where they came from. the second day I did the photos and Jenn did some what a vlog and a history of Disney. we edited and email it to the teacher so tomorrow we could have fun.
Jenn: "what do want to watch on Netflix?"
me: "Jenn we have to get some rest so we can have energy for tomorrow "
Jenn: "I can't.... sleep gosh you're so boring"
me: " really bitch? oh it's on."
I threw a pillow and jumped on her bed and hit her with the pillow. she did the same thing. we laughed. we had our onesies on, it brought back memories of us being little...all of a sudden someone knocked on the door. it was like 12 in the morning. we sat on the bed in silence. they knocked again. I walked slowly towards the door to see through the peephole. I saw nothing. I look down and saw a note card.
Jenn: "what happened, what is that?"
me: "I don't know it says it's a party on a Saturday and has an address on it"
Jenn: " oo a party after Disneyland I'm down"
Jenn took the notecard from my hand. she walked slowly to her bed. I followed.
Jenn: "that's Cameron's address. he throws cool ass parties"
me: "dang we should go."
I jumped on to my bed. it was closer to the door. I laid down. then we heard a knock again. softer than the first. we heard girl voices. they were Familiar. Jenn cover herself under the blankets. I rolled my eyes. I got up and opened the door. I couldn't believe it.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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