i n t r o

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hi! im amanda grier.  im your average teenage girl. 

im 14 years old.  i live in north carolina.  and im about 5'4. 

my parents have kept me isolated most of my life.  i dont have any social media, a phone, and ive been homeschooled for all my life. 

i go to the library a lot to go onto the computers.  so, ive made social media accs and learned about what was going on outside of my house. 

my parents keep my friends to a minimum.  i only have one friend, her name is grace.  ive known her for all my life.  and my parents trust her. 

ive wanted to know more about my life, and why ive been isolated for so long.  so, one day, i did my research, and what i found out was mind blowing. 

im amanda,

and im a grier

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