6. Obsession

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i apologize for this terrible story. It's just BAD. I'm sorry for making your brain bleed. but try enjoy.

Mary loved collecting. She collected everything from paper airplanese to postcards. She had postcards from all over the world, at least one from every country, probably more. As for paper airplanes, she had one of every color and shape.

Every summer Mary tried to clean up her house, which was stuffed to the brim with crap. But she just couldn't do ut. She loved all her collections too much.

One day, Mary's landlord came to visit.

"Mary, your neighbors are complaining. Your "colloections" outside are blowing trash into their yards and they are getting annoyed. And it's just plain disgusting. Exactly how many collections do you have?"

"359, ma'am." Mary replied proudly.

"Ok, Mary. If you don't get rid of 300 of those collections in the next 6 months, I am evicting you."

"What? You can't do that!"

"Actually, I can. Now get started."

Then she turned and left without another word.

Mary sunk to the floor in shock. Evicted/ She couldn't be evicted. She didn't want to throw out any of her collections but she had to.

She made a list of all her collections.

"I have a lot of collections!" She realized. "I really let myself go. What have I done with my life?"

Mary picked up her gum wrapper collection. It has 2733 wrappers and filled 3 boxes.

"This will be the first to go. The first step in my journey."

Mary walked around the room, picking collections to get rid of. She decided to donate all her stuffed animal collections to orphanages and charities. She knew that they would be really greatful for the 6,000+ stuffed bears, cats, dogs, and other animals thrown in the nooks and crannies of every room in Mary's house.

After all the stuffed animals were gone, the house looked halfway empty. The stuffed animals filled up an entire semi truck.

"Wow...just...wow." Mary thought. She then counted her collections again to see how many she had to get rid of. She now had 200 collections left.

"Ugh. How do I still have 100 more to go?" She thought anxiously. "How am I going to choose?"

Mary decided to get rid of her instrument collections and keep the best of each instrument. After all, the instruments took up a huge amount of space. Mary decided that she would stop there for today after figuruing out that she still had 170 collections.

Mary went to bed feeling light and fluffy. She had gotten rid of 186 of her collections in just one day. She had a good feeling about this project.


The landlord walked into the now almost empty room.

"I'm impressed, Mary. Good job."

Then the landlord left.

Mary smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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