Chapter 1: High School Shock

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NOTE: This story is not edited yet, so be kind *


Tyler is a troublemaker. She's constanly getting in trouble. She is also a tomboy and acts like one too. Oh and don't forget that she can kick ass.

What would happen if she meet someone like her? Tyson, A troublemaker too? Would they be friends and more than that?

Or would she meet someone else that is the different .  Nate Baker, both of them are from two different worlds but put together they would be perfect?

Just like two different puzzle pieces but when placed together it would be perfect.



My name is Tyler Coleman. I am a girl if u wondering. well my mum thought I was a boy but when she found out i'm a girl, well it was to late to change my name. when my mum was pregnant with me ,my dad ran away with other woman .But life wasn't that bad as there was my very rich grandmother to support us :)


Tyler pov:

''TY get your ass up from the bed. we are going to be late for our first day of school " my Alexis(my annoying sister) screamed in my face.

''SHUT UP "I said while pulling the covers over my head. Seeing that I am not going to wake up, she took a vase on my night stand and poured the water over my head

''I'm up! I'm up geez Lexi, that water from the vase smells stinks. Ewe I can't get flowers on me " i said with a grunt

''I beg your pardon? These aromatic smell is not from the vase, its from me you idiotic girl and it is Chanel newest and latest perfume!!!"

Not wanting to talk anymore, I grabbed my school uniform and rushed into the bathroom in my room.

My uniform consisted of a white blouse,; blue tie ,a blue blazer and a knee length pants.

I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed a toast and ran to the living room.

Lexi stared at me with wide eyes .''what the hell are you wearing? I swear the school does not have pants for girls."

I rolled my eyes and said "well since I'm riding my bike to school obviously I have to wear a pants "

'''Erm, are you riding a bicycle to school? It's pretty far from here you know Ty?

''Bicycle? Are u kidding me? I mean my bike my motorcycle" i ignored her rest of her comment about bad ass, bad impression and got on to my black Ducati multistrada.

I rode to school in about 5min and I reached there.

"Wow said to myself. The school is BIG. I parked my bike next to the "please park your bikes here" signboard and there wasn't any motorcycle there I guess the girls here are really girlie. (A/n it's a girl school.)

I walked in the school and knocked into someone. "Ouch'' we both said in unison.

I held my hand out and said "Sorry my bad didn't see that coming" I looked up and saw a girl a little older then me. she said "ohhh you must be the new girl .Hi my name is Bailey havens"

I shook her hand and replied "Hi bailey my name Tyler, call me Ty .Yes, I am the new girl and sorry for knocking into you "

She shook her head saying "its fine but you shouldn't miss me, I'm fat '"

"No you are not, you just have big bones that all'' I said.

"Alright come on let me bring you to the office and get your schedule" And I followed her.

I walked in to the office  and was greeted by a woman in her 40s.

"You must be Tyler Coleman, I am miss Springfield "the woman said shaking my hand violently and very gratefully like i was the first person she ever meet.

She gave me my schedule and I walked out.

''She's a bit weird huh? Well don't mind her, it's not frequent for new students come to new school and By the way, there is another girl coming too right ? Hm her name ... ah Alex I think ."

"It's Alexi, she's my sister."I replied with a laugh. "So this is girl school huh? Never been to a girl school. "

"Oh did I mention it will not be a girl school anymore. The boys' school next door will be joining us due to the repairing and construction of their school. Because of a fire broke out and they are coming tomorrow OMG, I can't wait "She replied with a little scream.

"WHAT?"I said a little too loud causing people to turn their head and look at me






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