I'm here

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Bradley's  p.o.v.

Shit LA is so fucking busy and crowded,  why did I come here? For the love my life, Nova, I know  that if she's  just sees me than she would  realize  that she loves me and decide to go back to Texas with me.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked, I got last in thought  again and it only happened when I had Nova in my head. Which she's  always in my head and she doesn't  even know it. I would kill for her and I'm  going to make sure she knows that.

"Hollywood  holiday  Inn South please." I say, before going  back to my thoughts.

Jc p.o.v.

I had decided not to tell Nova about Bradley. I didn't want to hurt her,  had done enough of that, she doesn't deserve that. Nova is to kind and sweet, she would never hurt a living soul.

"Ok, we have to go shopping tomorrow? Your almost out of food, and Heavenly loves to eat." Nova says, looking out from the fridge, shit! Knew I forgot something.

"Are you ok Jc?" Nova asked, taking my hands causing me to look at her. A worried look on her face, I sighed and gave her smile.

"I'm  just fine. We should go shopping, before they get back." I said and she nodded.

~~10 minutes later~~

"Umm, does he like pasta? Heanvely loves pasta, food altogether. What am I going to do with her?" Nova giggles as she looks at all the different pasta noodles. She sticks out her tongue as she thinks of what to get. Damn can she not look even more adorable?

"Jc, your staring. And it's getting really creepy. Well I'm done so let's buy your crap and go. I'm hungry." She says walking to the check out lanes without me. She turned the counter before I started after her.


Nova's p.o.v.

 I laughed as I walked away from Jc. He looked so adorable when he was staring at me, I laughed at this thought again. Turning the aisle, my worst nightmare came true. 

"Nova, umm. Isn't this quite a surprise, I wasn't expecting to see until a little later." Bradley's cold voice says, giving me an evil smirk. I wanted to run back to Jc, but I couldn't move a thing in my body. All of the food that had been in my hands fell to the ground. 

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