Sexy Af

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So I found this beautiful dress,(its even reversible too ;^)) and me being me, I decided to wear it home. I had also dranken a gallon of sweet tea moments b4 so I was haywire on sugar. I'm the only person who eats the pizza crust at the family I live with. So on the way home I had like 10 pizza crusts, on on the freeway. So I thought, HELL Y NOT LETS OFFER PIZZA CRUSTS TO OTHER DRIVERS ON THE FREEWAY! So I'd stick a pizza crust in my mouth and shove my head out the window looking at the cars behind me. Litterally every car that I looked at sped up to catch up with me and fave, and dance with me on the freeway. Its suprising how ppl act to randomness. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

the Various Unfortunate Events that Happen in My Life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Where stories live. Discover now