Chapter 1 - Greybeards and New Companions

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"Joel, do you take Ivy to be your wife in the name of Talos?"

"I d-," I began to say when a loud crash resounded through the temple. I could feel the ground trembling beneath me, threatening to burst and swallow us all whole. I held to my would be wife, Ivy, as a voice, seemingly from the heavens, burst through the air. "DO! VAH! KIIN!" My ears began to ring as I felt a new power rush through my veins.

Everyone in the temple was staring at me. It didn't take long to figure out why. A golden light was rushing into my body.

One man gasped as he yelled, "Dragonborn! That voice was the Greybeards calling you to their monastery, High Hrothgar. There is no other explanation for what that could be. Go there immediately to learn about your new abilities as Dragonborn."

I was completely dumbfounded. When I looked over to Ivy, she stood there petrified. I tugged at her sleeve so we could finish the wedding before setting out to the Greybeards monastery of High Hrothgar.


The trek to Ivarstead and the base of the mountain was long and took us multiple days. In our travels we came along a necromancer whose neck I slit. There were also a few bandits that Ivy helped me to burn, stab, and shoot. Once we finally reached the small isolated village of Ivarstead, a guard directed us to a cozy inn with plenty of mead and steak. While eating our dinner, a young Redguard man joined us at the table.

"You look like travelers, and I wanted to know if I could come along with you," he asked.

"What's your story? Don't you have anyone else around to travel with?" I asked curiously.

"No. I was traveling with some of my kin when a gang of bandits attacked us. I just barely managed to escape from them. No one else survived," he said with a sorrowful look on his face.

I carefully analyzed the man to try and decide if he would be worth bringing along. He was quite tall, and wore thick armor presumably made of steel. He also had a huge black sword strapped to his back.

Turning to Ivy, I tried to consult her to see if she was okay with this new companion. Before I could speak, she asked a question.

"You can come along, but I do have one question. What's your name?"

"Oh, sorry. I should have mentioned that to begin with. That aside, the name is Nick."

"Alright Nick. Meet us here in the morning so we can start on our trek up the mountain."

"Sounds good. See you in the morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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