Chapter 1.

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The time was 6 pm and I had just finished work. I decided to buy some Chinese food before driving home to Jake my betrothed. Jake and I have been together for about 1 and a half year. We meet in the library and after that I remember falling instantly for him, his blue eyes, soft brown hair and that beautiful laughter. It was about 6 months ago he proposed to me and I said yes. But for some time now it feels like we are growing apart, I can tell that he has secrets but he won’t tell me about it. I’m just waiting for him to admit what it is he’s been keeping from me. But.. maybe I’m just paranoid and that none of it is true. That I will come home and wrap my arms around him and feel his soft lips against mine. And hear him say those three wonderful words ‘I love you.’                                   Yes that’s probably it, stop thinking about everything Taylor. I told myself that as I got into the car and drove away. When I got to the nearest food restaurant I walked in and ordered some beef noodle soup and fried shrimp. I sat down at a table and looked out of the window. The sky had now been hidden by dark clouds and just after a few seconds raindrops started falling down the sky.

“Shit.” I mumbled to myself as I looked around in my bag for an umbrella. But I didn’t found it. “No.. did I forget it at work? Great..” I sighed. At least I was driving so I wouldn’t get completely wet when I got home.

“Miss Swift?” I turned around to the bar, my food had come. I paid for it and they put the boxes in a plastic bag. I took my belongings and then ran out to the car. I quickly put everything in the front seat and then drove away. Driving thru New York was a living hell especially when everyone had finished for the day and where going home to their families and friends. And because of it I was stuck here at the same place for about 15 minutes straight before even be able to move from my spot. 30 minutes later I had finally arrived at me and Jake’s apartment. I took the elevator up to the 10th floor were our flat were. And when I got in saw that it was clean and some blues music were playing in the background.

“Aww he’s done all this for me? How adorable.” I whispered smiling to myself. I put the coat on the chair on the left.

“Jake?” I asked out loud. I walked into the kitchen, he wasn’t there. He wasn’t in the living room or the toilet either. So I walked to the bedroom and opened the door.

“Jake I’m home I brought some-“ The scene before me would haunt my dreams for a long time, my heart scattered into million pieces and I felt tears form in my eyes. Jake was with another woman in bed completely naked. They hastily covered themselves and I saw the panic in Jake’s eyes. But it didn’t matter anymore. He had cheated on me. The boxes of food fell from my hands and collided soon with the floor. The only sound was from the stereo in the living room.

“Fuck I thought you said she wasn’t coming home until 8 o’clock.” Said the girl beside him. So they had planned this, for how long exactly? I felt a flood of anger yet sorrow take over me and all I could do was to stare at them with shaky hands.

“W-well I wanted to come h-home and see you.” I felt my voice crack and I hated it. I needed to get the hell out of this place now. I couldn’t stand another minute here. ”But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.” I said as I ran out of the flat with my car keys and jacket.

“Taylor wait I can explain!” I heard Jake’s voice in the background but I didn’t listen. I ran down the stairs, tears falling down from my face.                                             How could he do this to me? Didn’t he know how much I loved him? Did he even care about me in the first place? I had a feeling that Jake was hiding something from me. But I was too naïve and scared to ask him about it. And look what happened now I saw him with another woman having sex. He cheated on me. I would never forgive him for it that’s for sure. I never wanted to see his pathetic face ever again.                                When I got out of the house and ran to the car I heard him scream after me.

Life in Paris (Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora