Bad time

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((Sorry for not updating much.. I got school and I haven't got that much sleep.. I'll try to update my stories here take this ball I got sorry -w-
~Nay Nay~

(Y/N): you smile and walks towards the door, holding Ras hand "Let's go"

Ras: he smiles and follows you "Yeah, let's hope nothing gets in our way" he kisses your cheek and smiles

(Y/N): you open the front door and see mettaton there "Oh.. Its you, what do you want you whore" you growled at her

Mettaton: she smiles at you, holding a cup of water "Oh hello darling! I heard that you were going on a date" she smirks and throws the cup of water at you

(Y/N): you get water all over you and glare at her "You bitch" you kick her and walk back to your room

Mettaton: she laughs and looks at Ras "Hello darling~" she winks at him

Ras: he glares at her and slams the door shut "Bitch" he follows you "Are you going to change?"

(Y/N): you walk into your room and shuts it "Yeah.." You take off your dress "I'll be quick" you grab your black dress and put it on "Let me change my shoes..."

Ras: he waits by the door and nods "Okay babe" he smiles

(Y/N): you blush hearing that "Aww~" you change into black flats "I'm done" you open the door and grabs Ras hand

Ras: he smiles and walks to the front door opening it "Looks like mettaton left"

(Y/N): "Good she a bitch" you walk outside with him shutting the door "Let's just forget her"

Ras: he follows and walks towards a nice restaurant "Okay babe" he kisses you

(Y/N): you smile and kisses him back "I love you" you walked into the restaurant and look around "woah.." The restaurant had red carpets, and a chandelier hanging in the middle of the room

Ras: he smiles and kisses your cheek "Its cool here right" he holds you close and smiles

(Y/N): you and Ras took a seat at a table "This place is incredible Ras" you smile at him "I'm hungry"

Ras: he chuckles "Anything for you" he smiles "Me too" he looks around and sees the waiter

((That's all for today! Sorry its it short!
~Nay Nay~

The Crush ~Underfell Papyrus X Reader~ LemonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora