6. Date with Tat-chan (Part 2)

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Pic is Tatsuya and his outfit.
The pic is a bit blurry.. But he is still hot in it(*wink-wink,nudge-nudge*)

Both the teenagers ended up going to the amusement park(cause every cute date must include amusement park😉😉). And being the good friend you are, you excitedly drag Himuro to the counter to pay for the ticket.

"Since you just got back to Japan. I'll pay for the ticket this time." Himuro said smiling softly knowing that you would object to that. Since you fully disagreed with the 'boys must pay for girls' rule.

(Your Name) gently shakes her head no. "Hurmm.. Then, how about I pay for the tickets and you pay for the food." Also knowing how Himuro will not let her go until she comes out with another idea.

"I'll never win with you, will I.."

"That's cuz i'm a girl." (Your Name) wink at Himuro before walking away to the ticket counter. Again failing to notice the red hues on the boy's face.

This time Himuro shakes his head and smiles a little. Before he walks to the occupied girl.

After getting their tickets, (Your Name) drags Himuro to the first thing that attract her attention. The Roller Coaster.

Himuro smirks slightly. "You sure you can handle this ride? It is one of the most extreme in Japam you know."

"Oh, is that a challenge I heard from you Tatsuya?.. You know how much I like challenges."

They quickly share glances ans smirk to each other as they make their way to the seat.

*Time skip after Roller Coaster ride*

"Haha.. That was the best ride i've ever been on." (Your Name) continued laughing as they make their way to the exit.

"Great. But we are not done here just yet." Himuro said as he is now the one dragging (Your Name) as now he felt the adrenaline inside him rushing throughout his body.

After that they quickyly go to the Pirate Ship ride.. Screaming their heart out when they're on it.

Turning to the Frisbee where they spin their heads off, going to Free drop, the Pendulum Fall and all the other rides that makes them scream in fun.

At noon, they rest for a moment to have their lunch which is paid by Himuro. Knowing that he is paying, (Your Name) makes sure that she orders not to many food but still ended up eating a lot because Himuro-who already know this sly planning of her- bought many more food for them.

They then continue enjoying themself but on a slightly non-adrenaline-rush rides such as the Teacups, the Carousel and other rides.

When they finally feel the surge of tiredness in their body, they stops for a break. Only noticing that it is in the evening now.

Himuro bought (Your Name) some creepes as she was getting quiet famish. And they enjoy tasting each other creepes. (Your Name) setteling with her favourite while Himuro setteled his'.

Aa the day is ending, they ride the last ride that (Your Name) want to ride on. That is the Ferris Wheel. Looking at the starry night as the dark surrounding started to be filled with lights from all the attraction in the amusement park.

(Your Name) focuses her eyes on her surrounding while Himuro focuses his' on her.

"(Your Name), thank you for cheering me up for today. You really succeed in making me forget about that." Himuro smiles greatfully at the girl sitting in front of him.

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