Quitting Wattpad or not.

59 1 15

Guys and Girls, I hate you to say this but *sigh* There's a least chances of quitting wattpad. Because:

1: Strangers

I don't even know you guys and some people who are following me, I don't know them. I'm starting to not trusting you friends on wattpad because there's lies and people who's pretending to be nice is cyber bulling people. My teacher said I shouldn't comment on you.

2: Safety

Last year, I've studied about cybering and safety online. Well on online I shouldn't tell you:
My First name and Last name
My Age
My Password

My Email
My School (include my grade)
Showing my face reveal
And my Life

I only have to say it if I'm a teenager now. But I dunno why cyber bullies teases about their personality. And Wattpad HQ is not letting kids on wattpad, to keep them safe. Same as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube (if they comment or subscribed), Snapchat, and other blog stuff.

3: Cyber Bullies

This is kinda the same as KZCool14's story. Kids get cyber bullied and they don't even know them. They can end their life and want to live alone, they can also start being a cyber bully too. If you keep doing that everyone in the world might do it, and that's bad. So please stop cyber bullying and tell them your truth and why you do it.

Well, bye.

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