Chapter 1

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It was a warm day. The sky was dotted with clouds, but it seemed the edges of the sky where rimmed with clouds that day, threatening the storm nobody saw coming.

A young manservant rushed down the hall of a grand castle, a few knights following, carrying a tray of delicious food.

"You want help waking him up?" A knight with curly dark hair said, a smile decorated his face.

"He's always a pain in the mornings. So different then who he is during the rest of the day." Another knight, his face plastered with the same expression, joked, his long brown hair coming down to his shoulders.

"I've done it for so long, you guys, I think I can do it once more!" The young manservant chuckled as he reached the chambers.

Without knocking, he lightly opened the door. He spotted a figure face first in a pillow snoring gently. He smirked as he placed the tray on the desk in the room and headed straight for the window.

Casting one humorous glance at the knights standing at the door, he threw back the curtains. He could hear a groan that always signaled there was life in the room.

"Up you get, your highness. It's your birthday!" More groans came, and slowly, the figure got up, his black hair a mess.

Prince Merlin was about to thank his servant when he noticed the group of knights standing at the door laughing their heads off. "Oh shut it, you dollopheads." Merlin chuckled and he threw a pillow at Sir Reshi, which he skilfully dodged, but Sir Cameron wasn't so lucky, the pillow hitting him square in the face.

Travis, his manservant, handed the prince his breakfast. Of course,it was his favorite. The knights went and grabbed their breakfasts and brought them in his room. Soon they where all sitting in his royal chambers, laughing and eating like old friends.

Each of them where his most trusted allies and friends. Reshi had dark curly hair and dark skin to match, Cameron had long, brown hair and blue eyes that always sparkled with laughter, Everett was tall and strong with short gingerish brown hair and freckles, Han was a short knight with black hair and was very close to Everett, like brothers almost, Charles had a mass of curly blonde hair on top of his head and was about the same height as Han, and Will was as close to Merlin as family.

Travis was more than just a manservant, he was as loyal to Merlin as any knight. He never stood down from a challenge, and that's what made him so close to Merlin.

They finished their breakfasts and headed towards the field outside. Minstrels sang beautiful songs that sounded like bird song, children ran around with wooden swords reenacting the battles that his father, himself, and the knights had won. Merlin was 15 today, and his first battle was only last year

Though he only fought and won one war, he was always training for the next. He wished he could meet Uther's boy, and possibly learn a few things from him and teach him a few things, but his father thought that was not important.

Sitting on the beautiful riverside with his knights and manservant, he spotted his Mother, Hunith, and his Father, Balinor walking down the stairs towards them. Merlin raced to his parents and embraced them in a tight hug.

"Happy birthday, my son!" His father smiled as his son wrapped his arms tightly around him. "We both have a gift for you." Merlin perked up at this. He loved gifts, to give one and to receive. That is why he never asks for huge celebrations on his birthday. All he wants is to spend time with those who meant the most to him.

His mother handed him a box. Opening it, inside was a red neckerchief to mach his blue one he wore a lot. He loved it. His father led him towards the stables and showed him a pitch black horse with a white star on its muzzle. "This horse will always be with you, know that." His father nodded.

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