Welcome to her world

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-Welcome to her world-

You always watched from a distance as she did her things, went on her days as if nothing could stop her but you saw the bad as well as the good, and you fell for this girl it wasn't supposed to happen but her happiness made you feel giddy and filled with butterflies as she smiled and laughed and oh gosh her laugh was magical, they say as you fall in love even the smallest things you treasure in the makeshift reality... in books or T.V shows were it always works out were she looks up and smiles at you but that wouldn't happen she wouldn't look up-

She always brought you happiness and you tried to change the words, tried to change the plot so she could be happy so she wouldn't feel the pain, so she wouldn't cry her self to sleep. you always tried to make her days bright but- you just couldn't, you weren't the author you couldn't change something already written in ink.

You couldn't erase the bad like it was pencil, and that made it worse as you skipped ahead, you shouldn't have skipped ahead like that her life was shortening but you could read the book again-couldn't you?- but it would still be the same it would still end the same, you'd have to stop reading when there were no more words left as she disappeared from your mind weeks later, the angel like girl vanished from your mind crowded by assignments and taking care of other things.

But you'd come back one day, years maybe, months or even days but hopefully you'd come back and read the story again only now understanding that you can change your life as you tried to do for her, keep her from the bad, keep her from falling down into the darkness.

You could keep your head up and think of the pink haired female with long hair and wore sun dresses with unicorns on as she went about her day talking to her friends and watching movies and cooking stir-fry and staying up way to late knowing you had things to do tomorrow but forgetting it as you smiled at the book in your hands flipping the pages and swinging your feet back and forth as you filled with happiness over her when she got her test correct and she had her 16th party containing no booze, or when she found her soulmate and she was happy.

You always wanted her life the way it was so easy but you had to remind yourself of your real life and how lucky you were to still be there, to be here reading about her as she completed her day and went to sleep on time, kept fit and didn't get bullied as she completed high-school with flying colours as she got into the college she wanted and continued to be easy riding her life as she got her dream job- but realized she hadn't had an adventure shed missed the heart aches which everyone complained about she wanted to feel them but she'd already found her soulmate.

Her life seemed to be lacking luster as she did the same thing over and over again, she never had a chance to experience pain and she wished for it, she wished for a different life- one filled with adventure and tidal waves that crashed the rocks and not the calm waters she walked across.

You didn't want to skip ahead anymore as you remembered how it ended you wanted to stop reading, you wanted to put the book down- but you just couldn't you had to finish it you couldn't leave her sad, you didn't want to go through the sad things in her life as her parents died and her soulmate drifted away from her as she lost her grip on everything as she got her wish, sometimes you wonder if it would've turned out differently if the author didn't listen to the others and wasn't pressed into ending it this because people need to open up their eyes on the harshness on the world.

The author may have wanted it to a different way were she got her life and adventure but sometimes you don't get what you want, you often wondered about what it would feel like losing everything around you as the pages fell apart ripping at the seems and the ink running down the page from tears? from rain? or from the drink you just spilled.

She often would scream in agony she was becoming self aware of the loop she was stuck in every time someone read this she had to go through this all again she started clawing at the pages to get out but to avail she couldn't escape the pain she was feeling or stuck in this reality were it fell into complete darkness.

You wanted to put the book down and run, but you couldn't stop now she had to have a happy ending right after all this was a book they always end in happiness- don't they?- she kept screaming for you to stop to help her and to stop reading but the thought of the end kept you going the thought of the conclusion to all of this mayhem.

But the conclusion was just to close the book and walk away forget about her and sell the book and never thing of the screams which broke your heart as you wanted to help feeling her pain and struggle feeling your self slip like she had.

You looked up to see the darkness surrounding you, you got up leaving the book and left it alone and did something else to forget about it to keep the tears back and your heart from breaking as you closed the book and thought about it but you fell into the trap, you over thought it and you shouldn't that's what she did and that's why she's gone.

Don't become like her please, i don't think i could handle it

Thank you for reading and if you could vote and share this it would be great and if you made it through without feeling anything and thought this was shitty then i can accept that and I'm sorry that you feel that way. If you cried then I'm sorry but i needed to let this out it's important and i hope you hold on and if you know someone suffering or they like this please show them i need to know people are okay.

Please tell me how you felt about the story and again this is fiction not reality. please tell me whether you liked it i need to know... please


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