Chapter 33 - Showtime

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Three long hours later, Jake looked better than new. His chiselled, gorgeous appearance was clean, refreshed, healed. He was healthy, eating, drinking, and moving just as he was before he was injured, if not better. He looked like a new man on a new mission. I however, was drained, exhausted and desperate to feel what Jake now felt. Cail had directed me to take it easy, drink plenty of fluids and rest as much as I could before the big fight tonight. All the tubes and wires draped over myself and Jake were gone, a small dot band aid over my little needle mark reminding me of the big ordeal.

Blaine gave us his kind regards and farewells before we found ourselves on our way back home where Aldrek was eager to talk to the three of us.

I kind of missed Aldrek, the house, Imelda, and the others, they were the closest thing I had to normalcy I had, except for Jake and Julian of course. The car ride home, I slept, desperately needing it before the big showdown tonight. Jake and Julian were quiet, chatting only about small things as they laughed between themselves. Julian seemed happier, lighter, probably because he'd nearly lost his brother. When you perceive just how close you are to losing someone you love, something inside of you changes, it's like a switch you didn't know existed suddenly turns on, and every small insignificant problem turns to dust, it doesn't matter anymore as long as they are there with you, happy and healthy.

I was also grateful I had Jake back, I was glad I was able to be a part of the reason he was alive, healthy, happy and with that came Julian's happiness. I was proud, extremely proud of my accomplishment despite the exhaustion I was now feeling.

By the time we got back to Aldrek's I was awake, slowly feeling better as I leaned my head against the window and watched as the familiar land came back into view, my stomach felt all tension release. Driving in a car with Julian and Jake now made me nervous, solely because it made me think of the feeling I had got when I knew we were being followed.

I was on edge, but the moment I saw Aldrek's house, all feelings of dread were gone.

"Home sweet home" Julian sighed as he pulled into the driveway, parking his car before turning its drained motor off to rest.

I sighed and yawned before unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out to soak in the fresh country air.

I stretched my limbs out wide and breathed heavily as I took in the silence and serenity.

"I never thought I'd miss this place, until now" I mumbled as Jake stood beside me, his protectiveness eager to make sure I was okay.

I caught sight of Jake smile proudly at my words as I glanced towards him.

Slowly, we walked back towards the house where Imelda and Aldrek were standing waiting, their hands intertwined as though we'd been away for months at war.

I smiled at the sight, it was like coming back to a family that had actually missed me, and it was nice.

"Hey" Julian greeted casually towards the pair as they glanced us over.

"Welcome back" Imelda smiled as they turned and led us back in towards the house, light rain begin to release from the dark clouds overhead.

"Glad to see you're all in one piece" Aldrek remarked as he looked at me with pride. Obviously he had been informed of the incident and what I had done for Jake.

"Me too" Jake joked as he stretched his back out.

"You're a very lucky man I hear" Markus joined us with a proud smile

"I am" Jake nodded as he draped an arm over my shoulders, the movement surprising near all of us except Julian as his casual relaxed composure showed through.

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