A plea of the street child

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Another day has come. I was soo close to giving up my life this time. I can't bear this pain in Isolation anymore. But come to think of it, who really cares if I die or live?
My journey does not have a starting point, not to talk about when and where it ends. Even though I sleep at the top I always rise at the bottom.
How are you? And what will you eat? Are questions that I've heard in a long while? No one cares to ask. I despise school children just as they despise me. Because we live on the opposite sides of life. I watch them in envy as they watch me in pity.
I never wished for this life, but as it stands, no one can make my life better in anyway; because I stand with the joy of a street child on my forehead. I do change my clothes twice as you do just that yours is twice a day whiles mine is twice a year.
Never look down on me even though I think you are better than me economically. I don't cry anymore because nobody even really cares apart from God. Had it not been for him, I would have been dead by now.
This is my plea. But i am not seeking for parity because even if I do i can never live up to it. All I seek is our attention and care.
In this country, there are school children, Doctors, Teachers and us, the street children. Apart from us, all those I mentioned are being catered for by the leaders of the nation. But they forget about street children like Stephen Appiah, Mike Tyson, lita Cabellut, Mario Macilau just to mention a few, but these personalities at some point in their life rose to prominence to contribute to national development.
I didn't wish for this fate when I was born. Nature awarded me with it. For now i am at the bottom of a chain, and that gives me hope and belief that I can climb to the top. Although I have no one to account to, One day I would like my kids to account to me.so i pray so help me God.

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